Latest fromPrivacy

Facebook shows its ugly side
The Facebook-related conviction of a Wellington man revealed the dark side of social networking.

Bill retains end to right of silence
People being investigated by police over serious fraud-related offences or gang crimes will no longer have the right to remain silent, under a Govt bill.

Cyber crime stats 'tip of the iceberg'
Australian organised crimebusters have warned that cyber crime is 'exploding'.

<i>Status McAlpine</i>: Facebook's making stalkers out of us all
My mother has just posted a message on my wall. Apparently she's managed to get 'into' this Facebook system malarkey and is 'keeping up to speed' with things.

iPhone patent blocks sexters
iPhone maker Apple has technology to stop "objectionable" messages sent on its machines.

<i>Ben Young:</i> Marketing by the numbers can quickly turn into spam
Spam really is the result of going by the numbers too much - the more we talk to the more we hope that someone converts.

Privacy body eyes on line fakes
Authorities are investigating whether NZ should make it a criminal offence to impersonate others including politicians on the internet.

70pc of NZ adults hit by online crime
Seventy per cent of NZ adults have been the victim of online crimes ranging from identity theft to having their computer infected with a virus.

Police: Google committed no crime with Wi-Fi data grab
The police have handed the investigation on Google's Street View data gathering back to the Privacy Commissioner.

What's in a name? Too much to throw away
If a new identity is the only way to escape your online past, maybe Facebook just isn't worth it.

Paris Hilton's late night intruder is charged
A man Paris Hilton caught trying to break into her home has been charged.

Google boss warns over personal data we share online
Eric Schmidt warns that the amount of personal data people leave online could force them to change their names to escape their cyber pasts.

Call for mental health privacy review
Wellington coroner Ian Smith has called for a review of the Privacy Act in his findings on the suicide of a young university student two years ago.

Life unplugged
Many Kiwis refuse to join social networking sites like Facebook. But as the online community grows, it's becoming even tougher to stay away. Jehan Casinader confronts his social networking nightmare and meets others who are doing the same.