Soper: Not fair to blame three strikes law for overflowing prisons
COMMENT: It is fair to say there's less tolerance for crime generally.
COMMENT: It is fair to say there's less tolerance for crime generally.
A document has raised questions over the tax structure of the Sensible Sentencing Trust.
The man is 'obviously' likely to commit further sexual offences, says judge.
One of the least satisfactory features of justice is the use of jailhouse snitches.
Using prison as a punishment (and supposedly a deterrent) doesn't really work.
The three bedroom house was lifted over the prison fence by a crane this morning.
Witness B in the Tamihere case can now be named, just hours after Witness C was unmasked.
Helping offenders see better future tough but rewarding work, writes Ray Smith.
Jailhouse witness who lied at David Tamihere's 1990 double-murder trial can now be named.
Auckland Regional Women's Prison director Cheryl Mikaere and Wellington lawyer, Stacey Shortall talk about The Mothers Project. / Greg Bowker
A project to help mums in prison reconnect with their children is growing steadily.
COMMENT: By the time neglected kids end up in prison it's too late for 'rehab'.
COMMENT: Why put more money into a prison system that is failing?
COMMENT: Prison numbers are up because more gang members are behind bars.
COMMENT: Inmates should be treated like family to rehabilitate.
Your say: Prisoner rehabilitation; farming v cycling; free speech; Queens park re-naming
We need protections for victims and offenders -- because they are largely the same people
Sensible Sentencing Trust is increasingly out of step with the country says Jarrod Gilbert
Prisoners benefit from more positive learning experiences but funding short.
Arohata double bunking "does not meet humane standards for one person, let alone two".
To rehabilitate prisoners to live crime-free, focus their minds on life outside jail.
Some academics argue that prison reform is easy. I don't agree, writes Jarrod Gilbert
Parliament can't do "whatever it likes" against its own people, Supreme Court is told.
Solicitor-General says voting rights are not an issue that should be decided by courts.
The prison makeover included installing new displays and repainting.
Arthur Taylor, 61, is serving 17 and a half years for a raft of charges.
Prison crowding adds pressure to love clash among female prisoners.
New Zealand's prison rates are approaching the levels of the United States.
Overcrowding of our prisons could create real danger to the public, says Chief Ombudsman.