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<i>John Drinnan:</i> A to Z of a challenging year in the media
The Business Herald's media writer takes a look at the year just gone and what's coming up in 2011.

A public marriage spat that's terribly unbecoming
An article on a New York society wedding that tore two families apart has unleashed a torrent of criticism.

Crime on the rise
A mystery wrapped in an enigma is the very apt winner of the inaugural New Zealand crime-writing award.

WikiLeaks reveals US snooping on NZ
Helen Clark is likely to be among top UN officials targeted by the US in an intelligence-gathering exercise.

Herald readership hits new level
Readership of and the Herald newspaper is at its highest level in a generation.

Mag war hits new heights: Weekly's top two poached
The women's magazine war intensified yesterday as the Woman's Weekly lost its editor and deputy editor to its main rival.

Times says 105,000 behind news paywall
News Corporation has reported 105,000 online sales of The Times and The Sunday Times - the first official figures sincce putting its online news content behind a paywall.

<i>Eric Thompson</i>: Maxed out on two drinks campaign
I won't be signing up to this. Get behind something that will do some good.

Spy: The 10 Most Influential Media Women
The 10 most influential women in the New Zealand media, according to Rachel Glucina.