Dominion Post, Press cancelled after computer problems
The boss of major newspaper group Fairfax Media has apologised to readers after a computer fault...
The boss of major newspaper group Fairfax Media has apologised to readers after a computer fault...
The phone-hacking scandal unfolding in Britain is now well and truly out of the bottle and its repercussions are spreading from the deceased News of the World through the British body politic.
While not shedding any tears over the demise of the News of the World, I am still sorry to see a historic newspaper ruthlessly executed by the "Dirty Digger" - as Private Eye aptly describes Rupert Murdoch.
Tom Mockridge is no stranger to answering SOS calls from his boss, besieged media mogul Rupert Murdoch.
Rebekah Brooks, Murdoch's loyal lieutenant, resigned last night as chief executive of his newspapers.
Editors, reporters, politicians, police officers ... all are involved as a media empire's shame is exposed.
News Corp's loss of $7b in market value over four trading days shows investor concerns that the phone hacking probe could have a broader impact on the company.
A New Zealand journalist who works for Rupert Murdoch's axed News of the World tabloid says it's been "utterly, completely cleaned up" up over the past few years and "is not the newspaper I work for".
James Fergusson tells David Larsen that he is less a risk taker than someone who follows stories where they lead.