Your Views: Are NZ schools making the grade?
Six years and $250m down the track, has the National Standards education policy been a success? Recent data shows just a small increase
Six years and $250m down the track, has the National Standards education policy been a success? Recent data shows just a small increase
The changes made to the Health and Safety Act were made for all the right reasons out of the Pike River Mine disaster but if the same rules prevent kids from climbing trees, what's really been achieved?
POLITICAL ROUNDUP: A number of recent reports highlight major problems in primary and secondary education, writes Bryce Edwards.
Students from tiny Orere Primary School are still on cloud nine after jetting to Queenstown on the trip of a lifetime.
Herald on Sunday has found primary school children do only 15 minutes a night on average and the experts seem happy with that.
For the past 6 months the Kelly triplets have been excitedly counting down the days leading to their return to Milton Primary School.
6-year-old identical triplets Olivia, Charlotte and Haylee have been excitedly counting down the days leading to their return to Milton Primary School.
It's a big step in a small person's life - going to school. For some it's traumatic, for others just overwhelmingly exciting.
Senior education officials say the teacher drain from Auckland is reaching crisis point - leading to calls for an "Auckland allowance".
The Education Ministry's head of sector enablement and support, Katrina Casey, said a school had been directed to enrol the boy.
Illness has been a major factor in increasing numbers of children missing school.
It is our education system, not the dyslexic child, that needs to be the focus of our attention. There is a better way, writes teacher Mark Brace.
The trend is growing for programming to become the language of choice in schools.
When it comes to hooking young Kiwis on science, there might be no brighter way than making things glow in the dark.
Teachers who hit students at a private Tongan Christian school in Mangere were not taken to court because of the wishes of the families, despite complaints from five children.
A fern on the flag is okay but please keep the red, white and blue ...
Lack of support for special- and high-needs pupils was cited as the single biggest concern of 35 per cent of 104 principals.
Children learn to use strategies to build a wide repertoire of mathematical knowledge, write Murray Britt and Kay Irwin.
Falling maths grades will be addressed by "lifting" primary teachers' knowledge through more on-the-job training, the Government says.
There is no need for a major overhaul to the Numeracy Project, just modification so that rote learning is taught for the benefit of struggling pupils.
A report to be launched by the Minister of Education today criticises the way pupils are taught maths and calls on parents to demand a return to basics.
Primary schools are looking to adopt new policies that will see children begin at preset dates throughout the school year - meaning some will wait up to five weeks after they turn five.
A Herald investigation has found there were 150 services reviewed by the ERO in 2014 alone that required "further development" or had to have a supplementary review. Is NZ childcare up to scratch?
A high-performing, predominantly Maori and Pasifika school says it is being snubbed by locals because of its low decile and "brown" community.
An internet cafe owner has been criticised by police for a lack of "social responsibility" for allowing a schoolboy to play computer games during school hours.
Two teacher aides caught passing drugs at an Auckland primary school have resigned today.
An Auckland primary school has suspended two teacher aides after they were snapped exchanging cannabis in the staff room.
With more children coming to school hungry, a scientific study will for the first time guage the impact nutrition — or lack of it — has on learning.