Kitten cheers up school devastated by loss of Rooster
Sammy the kitten has been called a 'miracle' by the Ngakonui Valley School following the death of their much beloved Rooster.
Sammy the kitten has been called a 'miracle' by the Ngakonui Valley School following the death of their much beloved Rooster.
Police urge parents to talk with their children about road safety before school begins.
How much sending the kids back to school costs could depend on where you live.
NZ Poet Laureate Selina Tusitala Marsh has been writing in Hawke's Bay.
EDITORIAL: We need to entice more graduates into school teaching.
Families struggling with back-to-school costs are getting further stung by payday lenders.
A primary school student's long-shot attempt at reaching Jacinda Ardern has paid off.
A school principal is defending a damning report, saying the auditors made mistakes.
The children were asked to donate for relief efforts - but the school kept the money.
An arborist was called in to rescue Space Teddy, who was stuck up a tree on Waiheke Island
Officials don't know how they will allocate funding that was based on national standards.
Tuturumuri School has lost all its students, but is determined to remain open.
New initiative gives academics 'paws' for thought. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Charlotte Fischer says her daughter Kaya has become a passionate reader thanks to Speld.
Police would like to hear from anyone who may recognise scooters left at the school.
New Zealand kids average 4-6 hours of technology a day. Made with funding from NZ On Air.
Destinations have included San Francisco, Washington DC, Johannesburg, and Los Angeles.
Drone was used to film parents operating illegal pedestrian crossings for Hauraki School.
Concerned parents and principals are speaking at a Howick Local Board meeting at 6pm.
About 30 per cent of high-school pupils may not be fully immunised against mumps.
COMMENT: The past is full of missed educational opportunities, writes Matt Heath.
Auckland Transport is axing some school buses and telling children to catch public buses.
School principals say Christmas will be too late to act on teacher shortages for 2018.
Pascal Atiga-Bridger returns to school to serve now for a better tomorrow.
A young girl has serious head injuries after an Auckland playground mishap.
"Some schools are making quite a lot of money."
Education Minister Chris Hipkins plans a pre-Christmas package to tackle teacher shortages
The new Government will investigate solar panels to cut school power bills by $20m a year.
Children go to school to learn critical and creative skills. For that, they need teachers.