Latest fromPride of New Zealand Awards

Response amazes Lucy Knight
Lucy Knight is still shocked by the lasting impact a split-second decision can have.

Pride of NZ: Biofarm beats weeds, pests
The once weedy and pest-infested pastures of Motutapu Island in Auckland's Hauraki Gulf have undergone an incredible transformation.

Pride of NZ: Pohutukawas' friend possums' implacable enemy
By the time Brian Thompson reaches the possum carcass, it has been mostly eaten by wild pigs, picked at by birds and is decomposing into the forest floor.

Saving strangers' lives
Underwater in an upside down helicopter and blindfolded is not an unusual situation for Dave Greenberg.

Reluctant hero the heart of reserve
A once-dangerous stand of pine trees on Waiheke Island has been transformed into a beautiful botanic reserve thanks to a small group of dedicated locals.

Airlift inspires teen's fundraising
Whitianga teenager Rebecca Harris owes her life to the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.

Ada and Vicki a very tight team
When Ada notices a chemical change in Vicki Parry's blood, she reminds her to do something about it.

Dedicated man of the people
Despite being nominated for a Pride of NZ Lifetime Achievement Award by more than one person, he doesn't think he deserves it.

Pride of NZ: Our local heroes
Hundreds of Kiwis are being honoured by their communities for showing exceptional generosity, drive and courage in the annual Pride of NZ Awards. Eva Corlett meets five nominees.

Pride of NZ: Father's diagnosis spurred action
Fundraiser of the YearThe first day of Carey Vivian's month-long cycling fundraiser was the hardest.

A lesson she's ready to share
For her dedication to education, Anne Gaze has been nominated for a Pride of New Zealand Award in the lifetime achievement category.

Lifesaver not your typical teenager
Wellsford teenager Liam Connolly once saved a man's life before heading off for an otherwise normal school day.

One dollar warrior a hero
Robbie Ritchie is a modern day warrior.Until recently, he had battled prolonged and severe seizures. He was told they were incurable and his life expectancy was 40.

St John volunteer champion for the young
Elinor Swery was awarded an Auckland Council I Am Auckland Award for her contribution to St John youth and now she has been nominated for a Pride of New Zealand Award.

Gardener passes on vital skills
When Hamilton woman Avis Leeson heard of the levels of child hunger in New Zealand, she decided to try to do something about it.

Friend's tragic loss an inspiration
When Jayde Lowe's friend Dani lost her battle with depression, the now 25-year-old Miss Lowe initiated a marathon run "Raise For Dani" fundraising campaign through Youthline.

'Bike dude' has community spirit
Locally known as "the bike dude," Gary Sarten has fixed, reconditioned and serviced bikes for two generations of youngsters growing up around Waitara and Lepperton.

Pride of NZ: Wrapping victims with love
Carolyn Cragg becomes even more determined every time she gets verbally abused to keep on speaking out and doing all she can to comfort to some of NZ's most needy children.

Tree saviour's rallying call
The first and only petition Aprilanne Bonar created amassed more than 26,000 signatures in just three days.