Child, 2, locked in stifling hot daycare
Daycare head teacher left 2-year-old asleep when she locked up and went home.
Daycare head teacher left 2-year-old asleep when she locked up and went home.
"Old-style disciplinarian" faces serious misconduct charge.
"What we're actually seeing is absolutely just abject poverty."
Extra funding for kōhanga reo, but no decision yet on kōhanga's broader future.
Children who have broken bones or other injuries likely to also have dental decay.
Call for tighter rules after child suffers brain damage after choking on an apple.
Ten Discoveries Educare centres are among 26 that have broken the rules repeatedly.
Waihi people are divided over kindergarten kids joining a global strike for climate.
Childcare fees rose at twice the general inflation rate from 2008-2017.
Start working on those school routines now.
Almost half of NZ preschools let kids create music and art on tablets.
Tighter monitoring may force some childcare centres to close despite increased funding.
A "Gaia-inspired" preschool for over-stimulated kids is proposed for South Auckland.
Sector group fears "bubble" will burst and some childcare centres will close.
He was named Te Kōhanga Reo when he was three months old by a group of visiting Māori.
Kids Count Pukekohe has been found to have breached four early childhood regulations.
Much-loved kindy teacher killed in West Auckland crash was just five minutes from home.
An investigation into multiple complaints has forced the Ministry to cancel its licence.
Deal with BestStart's 280 centres marks Lance O'Sullivan's jump to a nationwide service.
Dani Lebo and Stephanie Ward run Nature Play sessions for children in Whanganui
The man was not familiar with his own grandson because he had just moved to the city.
Teacher Gayle Jonker says she felt like a "modern-day leper" after HIV status was outed.
Bullying is rife at early childhood centres, new ChildForum study finds.
Ardern hosted community morning tea and met her Plunket nurse this morning.
Budget keeps up with inflation for schools and preschools but tertiary spending cut.
Ten voices from the Education Summit on how to improve our education system.
Expect higher funding for qualified preschool teachers, careers advisers, driving lessons.
An extra 1750 preschoolers will get specialist help in the coming year.
Parents deny Education Ministry's claim of earlier fall ascribed to pathologist.
Preschool owner said Ava-Rose was hurt on a slide on her first day.