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Apples that can grow in 40C, dragon fruit for NZ - scientists preparing our fruit for a warm future
Both projects are finalists for the Science New Zealand Awards 2025 in March.

Ryan Bridge: Billions on the line if Kiwi diplomats can't work their magic on Trump
OPINION: In a cruel twist of irony, our exporters have been diversifying away from China.

Editorial: Winston Peters' anti-DEI bill is a distraction from real issues
OPINION: DEI and 'meritocracy' are not mutually exclusive concepts.

Ryan Peake’s journey from Rebels biker gang and prison to NZ Open champion
Golf champ and ex-Rebel bikie says troubled past has shaped him into the man he is today.

Mountain for sale: Iconic station has been in family for more than 100 years
'Time for someone else to have a go' with one of Hawke's Bay's most outstanding features.

Prominent liquor family buys Hawke's Bay Brewing Co brewery and neighbouring restaurant
The group says there is potential to take beloved 'Peach Bombs' and beers 'international'.

What the PM knew about the new Commerce Minister’s link to the grocery sector
Luxon assures the conflict has been managed well.

Why Black Caps continue to play country run by ‘terrorist’ regime
NZ cricket bosses say Afghanistan's leaders would want them to ban play.

Surgeon who operates on NZ women with controversial syndrome charged with killing patient
The surgeon is considered a saviour by some NZ patients, who say he changed their lives.

‘I make some money out of it’: Interview with a $2m money launderer
A scam victim who lost $1m says: “I’ve failed as a husband to protect my wife".

Letters: Cut the penny-pinching on school lunches
OPINION: 'The food provided at school is possibly their only decent meal of the day.'

Simon Wilson’s Love this City: Strawberry fair, transport fares and Phil Goff’s future
OPINION: There are zero rumours that Goff would run again for mayor. But imagine it...

Thomas Coughlan: Phil Goff exits stage right as Winston goes to Washington
OPINION: Winston Peters flies into an uncertain world.

Opinion: Trump tariffs challenge NZ’s global trade position
Trump's tariffs aim to protect jobs and raise US tax revenue.

Fresh faces headline Labour reshuffle as Hipkins goes back to basics
OPINION: Party's changes show its renewed focus on Auckland.

Hinewai Ormsby: The case for a dam for Heretaunga and why HBRC can’t afford to do nothing
We need to think about the Hawke’s Bay our children and their children will inherit.

‘Violent and secretive’: Dog-fighting rings going undetected as fear rules
People fear their pet dogs are being taken and used for the blood sport.

Letters: Amputate the managers to fix ailing health system
OPINION: 'Children definitely learn better if they are properly nourished.'

Willis gets advice on overriding controversial RBNZ rules championed by Orr
Finance Minister says some deregulation could boost the economy.

‘Great NZ: Family Court pioneer and legal giant dies at 89
Sir Peter Trapski 'wrote the book' on family law in NZ.

Audrey Young: Goff let himself and Govt down with reckless Trump comments
OPINION: Phil Goff has paid a heavy but justifiable price for his lapse in judgment.

Opinion: The truth behind the ‘best 10 days’ myth in investing
Avoiding the worst 10 days would grow $10,000 to nearly $550,000.

Picky eating is in the genes - so how do you know if your child is a 'problem feeder'?
Rose Bertram knows exactly what it is like to clash with a picky eater at meal times.

Letters: Time to put sex offender victims’ interests first
OPINION: 'Prebble’s opinion, resignation and request for action are to be applauded.'

‘Get match fit’: KiwiRail cuts 227 jobs, signals further restructuring
KiwiRail has 'welcomed back' Winston Peters as Minister for Rail and briefed him.

Editorial: Documents prove Willis too hasty in cancelling ferry contract
OPINION: The Finance Minister should have pressed pause, rather than scrapping iRex.

‘Pretty disruptive’: Inside the delays and power plays behind the controversial Waitangi Tribunal appointments
One member was penciled in for reappointment, but dropped. She suspects coalition politics

Analysis: What’s behind Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr’s shock resignation?
ANALYSIS: Orr’s resignation is quite unlike other public sector exits,

Gene technology bill: Hawke’s Bay apple CEO says it’s needed, but critics remain
'The only way we are going to continue to compete globally is through innovation.'

Green-belt soils among NZ’s best but becoming ‘near impossible to farm’ – landowner
The Strawberry Patch business is closing – should a retirement village take its place?

Plenty of players, but no committee: Rugby club could 'fold' after 140 years
'It has become unsustainable for the few still involved.'

The new Commerce Minister, the family member and why he can’t tackle the supermarket duopoly
Scott Simpson says he will have nothing to do with grocery sector regulation.

Editorial: Change NCEA tests for low income schools but don’t drop standards
OPINION: While we need higher literacy and numeracy, testing must also be fair.

Letters: Trump has a short memory when it comes to international solidarity
OPINION: When wildfires raged in the US, crews from around the world rushed to help.

Wealthy townhouse developer linked to ‘premier’ Wellington site
The former Teacher's Training College in Karori has sat empty for nearly a decade.

Willis told to renegotiate with shipbuilder three months after cancelling mega-ferries
Hyundai Mipo Dockyard is back at the table after a 'charming' meeting with Winston Peters.

Claire Trevett: Marmite sandwiches or bust as school lunch wars enter new phase
OPINION: Luxon wanted marmite sammies while Peters recalled the days of girls in kitchens.

’Pattern of behaviour': Hastings council chided for stream and dam maintenance failures
Report delves into problems after Jessica Maxwell complained to the Ombudsman.

‘Immoral’: Kiwis brace for power hikes with one woman facing 31% increase
Sharon Sutton's daily charge with Frank Energy will rise 31% from April 1.

Health NZ pays close to $900k for voluntary redundancies in one region
The PSA argues health cuts are risking patients' lives and should be stopped.

Editorial: David Seymour’s approach misses the mark on key issues
Complaints about school lunches include delays and poor nutritional value.

Govt ignored advice on giving sex offence victims ‘veto’ on name suppression
Documents show multiple groups opposed the changes, raising 'strong concerns'.

Opinion: Why the Govt's proposed stalking law could make matters worse
OPINION: The Government’s new stalking bill actually weakens protections for victims.

Letters: ‘Marmite sandwich’ brigade living in the past
OPINION: 'The evidence for provided school lunches is clear – they work around the world.'

Property Insider: Scentre result, hotel sale, Tutukaka dispute, Taupō bach sale
Biggest NZ Westfield mall got 12.7 million visits last year, down from 13 million in 2023.