Latest fromPregnancy and Childbirth

It's a girl - another baby for Kylie Bax
Kiwi model Kylie Bax is expecting her third child after suffering a devastating miscarriage last year.

<i>Shelley Bridgeman:</i> There's more than one way to have a baby
Before settling on the traditional method of having children, I considered my other options.

Parents of Down children taking Govt to top court
Antenatal testing devalues children's lives and aims to cut Down births, battlers say.

Lily Allen planned pregnancy before wedding
Lily Allen planned to be pregnant at her wedding.

Revealed: Best age to have a baby
New Zealand mothers have questioned Australian research which says the "perfect age" for women to start a family is 29.

In the name of the father
Eighteen months ago Alan Perrott was a reluctant first-time dad - kids had never been part of his life plan.

The evil rash strikes the wee ones
Imagine if you will, chafing so raw and violent that it stings even when you walk bow legged.

Arnie's wife and mistress gave birth five days apart
The wife and mistress of under siege Arnold Schwarzenegger gave birth within five days of each other.

Kelly Brook 'devastated' over miscarriage
Kelly Brook has been left "devastated" after suffering a miscarriage.

Kings of Leon guitarist becomes first-time father
Matthew Followill has become a father for the first time.

Viv Gurrey: The importance of breastfeeding
Parents Centres New Zealand says Shelley Bridgeman's comments about breastfeeding are imbalanced and misinformed.

Mel B doesn't want husband as birthing partner
Mel B's husband won't be her birthing partner saying he would be "horrendous" there with her.

<i>Scott Kara</i>: No more mini-me's
You'd think, since my wife and I have decided not to have any more children, that the notion of getting the old snip snip would be straightforward.

Stylish bump is no obstacle
Finding clothes that fit and don't make people laugh becomes the bane of every pregnancy. You have a tight budget with a baby on the way but still need to be able to go out in public.

With a little help from Gran
In these days of single parent families and working mothers, having Nana or Gramps look after their kids' children is a boon. Or is it?

Sleep comes to those who settle
It's one of the biggest issues new parents face: getting their baby off to sleep. It seems everyone has an opinion on the right - and wrong - ways of doing it.

<i>Dita De Boni:</i> Too busy for pregnancy prep
Now that I am pregnant with my third and final child, I am finding time to prepare for the big event is slim-to-non-existent.

Elton John wants to find out son's father
Sir Elton John has announced he will find out who his son's biological father is.

Getting ready for baby with a shower
Baby showers are a great way to celebrate the impending arrival of a little bundle of joy. But the task of organising it can be daunting - where to have it, who to invite, what to do and most importantly, when.

Making models or monsters
Toddlers, tiaras, tantrums and ... the occasional tragedy. It seems every parent has their opinion on getting children into modelling.