Latest fromPregnancy and Childbirth

Jessica Simpson addicted to breastfeeding
Jessica Simpson gets withdrawal symptoms when she's not breastfeeding her daughter.

Midwives only choice for Waikato women
Hamilton's two specialists unable to continue service without more help

Childless women 'outcasts' - artist
British artist Tracey Emin laments that women who are happy to remain childless are seen as social outcasts.

Overdue babies at greater risk of ADHD: study
Babies that are more than two weeks overdue are twice as likely to develop attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), recent research has found.

What it means to be in the Mum Club
How do you survive the first year of new motherhood? The support of a great group of friends helps. Viva talks to five stylish women about the ups and downs of modern motherhood.

Opinion: She'll let you know when she's had the baby
If somebody you know is very, very pregnant, ring for a chat, but don't ask if they've had the baby yet.

Surrogates: Delivering the ultimate gift
People who can't have their own children are increasingly turning to surrogacy. Jarrod Booker talks to one couple and the woman who made them parents

Pregnant women forced to travel for care
Some mums-to-be are forced to travel huge distances for specialist help, says a Kaitaia midwife.