Baby affects dad's body too: study
Most couples will testify that their sex life plummets on the birth of a new baby, with new mothers often worrying that they are no longer attractive
Most couples will testify that their sex life plummets on the birth of a new baby, with new mothers often worrying that they are no longer attractive
Black Cap Ross Taylor's second child was born this morning and the star batsman says Taylor junior is doing well.
A human milk bank has been opened at a Christchurch hospital in what is a New Zealand first.
Nearly 40 per cent of cases in which pregnant women are admitted to intensive care in New Zealand because of severe illness are potentially preventable, according to a University of Otago study.
A midwife who made a catalogue of errors that led to the death of a newborn baby - and almost claimed the life of his mother - has apologised for the first time.
An American restaurant manager has penned a heartfelt letter to the mother of an autistic girl who drew complaints from other patrons at his Florida restaurant.
A report into a horrific labour that left the baby dead and the mother with debilitating injuries is critical of the midwife and the DHB obstetrician involved.
Sniffles and sneezes during pregnancy could increase a mother's chances of her child having asthma, US research has shown.
New Zealanders may not be ready to try placenta injections and pig placenta smoothies but placentophagy is rapidly finding favour. Veronica Schmidt catches up on the trend.
Obesity in pregnancy can alter the brain wiring of babies and leave them prone to long-term disorders such as diabetes and uncontrolled weight gain, a study suggests.
Kiwi scientists who helped to pinpoint the 'microchip' in our brain that can control fertility are now working on the next crucial piece in the puzzle - how to influence it.
I am deeply ashamed of myself, pink-cheeked in fact and also terribly proud of my son, writes Elisabeth Easther.
It's said that "40 is the new 30" and "50 is the new 40". But, when it comes to female fertility, 40 is still 40.
In November thousands of frozen embryos, eggs and sperm will begin reaching their 10-year storage limit forcing a decision - to donate, or dispose of them.
She may be a professional rider and former Olympian, but sporty Zara Phillips has no intention of being a hands-off mother.
We spotted a bunch of bumps looking super cute on the red carpet.
A midwife who failed to perform appropriate medical tests on a heavily pregnant woman whose baby died has been found to breach legal, professional and ethical standards.
An Auckland scientist has invented molecules that can attach themselves to any surface in a few minutes and modify every type of cell or virus.
Women smokers are being offered vouchers for up to $300 if they quit while pregnant, because of the damage a mother's tobacco use can do to an unborn baby.
The parents of a baby among the first to be born in New Zealand this year say the extent of their celebrations will be to head to bed for some much-needed sleep.
It is a bustling city of seven million people, many drawn from China's rural hinterland to work in its factories, shops, karaoke parlours and restaurants.
Facebook denies any breastfeeding photos were removed from a New Zealand-based mothers' group page.
A Texas man’s pregnant wife is on life support and he wants her taken off even though the move would also leave their baby dead.
Kate Winslet and her husband Ned Rocknroll are currently nursing baby Bear at their home in West Sussex after welcoming him to the world at an NHS hospital a few weeks ago.
Cool Kiwi couple come up with online hit - using their "favourite domestic junk" to recreate famous movies scenes starring their cute baby, Orson.
Can exercise during pregnancy combat obesity in your baby? And could it help offset the so-called "fat gene"?
Children at 12 months can tell when speakers use different languages, study finds.
Facebook has removed breastfeeding photos from a private group page for mums, angering members.