'I'm 47 and I want a baby'
Couple have attempted IVF treatments and had a heart-breaking miscarriage after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Couple have attempted IVF treatments and had a heart-breaking miscarriage after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
Stop asking when I'm having a baby, said a woman on Facebook this week. Anna Hart can understand why her rant has gone viral.
Dr Ilse Dirkzwager specialises in doing scans, so when her identical-twin pregnancy felt wrong, she did a selfie ultrasound on her own belly.
Babies are more active in the uterus when a pregnant mother lies on her left side than on her back, according to important new research.
Over a third of parents have never spoken with their children about sex, a survey reveals.
Model Sallie Axl reveals her horror at being sent home from hospital with her dead baby in a bag "like a takeaway."
A 23-year-old-mum-to-be has reached out on Facebook asking for help to curb her "insatiable cravings" for washing powder.
When it came to others' children, I was a supermarket tisk-tisker, an in-flight smirker, a cafe-going eye roller. Then I had my own kids.
Shelly Cawley slipped into a coma during childbirth. Her family was told it was time to say goodbye. And then she heard her newborn baby cry.
The more I get the "be grateful" comments the more I feel like I can't talk about the hard parts of parenting, or the things I'm struggling with, says Emily Writes.
Those who want two children should start by 27 to ensure a 90 per cent success rate. Anyone content with one can leave it to 32.
Infants born at 25 to 28 weeks also showed major improvement in survival without significant disease or disability.
Pinterest posts make party ideas look so effortless and inexpensive...but they're not, writes Rhonwyn Newson.
In vitro fertilisation cycles using thawed frozen embryos have been shown to be just as successful as fresh ones in a report today.
Parent guilt is real. And it's normal. Here are tips to help deal with it.
Jerome Kaino will have a special reason to smile over summer regardless of the All Blacks' fortunes at the World Cup.
Are you ever too old to become a mum? Two of a growing number of older mothers reveal the pros and cons of having a baby in your 50s and beyond.
It's easy to dismiss online crusaders, but what happens when your midwife is an anti-vaxxer? Rhonwyn Newson reveals her experience.
Twenty-four-year-old woman dies from cervical cancer after being denied a smear test because she was too young.
Scientists have found commercial baby foods are so sweet that toddlers never learn to appreciate bitter flavours.
About 20 per cent of women continue to drink alcohol after finding out they are pregnant - with some reporting having four or more drinks a week.