Opinion: Poverty is a circumstance - not a character flaw
Opinion: "It’s a cycle. A trap. And one that is incredibly difficult to escape."
Opinion: "It’s a cycle. A trap. And one that is incredibly difficult to escape."
Most buildings like Wellington's Loafers Lodge do not have sprinklers.
Inflation is eating away at people's benefits.
What is more basic than food on the table, and a roof over your head?
Opinion: Our editorial on the lasting effects of extreme weather on the poorest.
Bill Capamagian: Help the deserving poor and stop pandering to the ratbags.
Opinion: New Zealand and the US face very different prospects in their Budget setting.
Knitting for Cool Kids Rotorua will be donating over 800 packs of hand knitted clothes.
The "Back To The Future" star struggled to pay his bills.
But it's the younger generation that are feeling most worried about money.
Rising costs are set to add another $150 a week in expenses for households.
Opinion: A child and adolescent psychiatrist offers a simple solution.
It would have given parents more income and had a "greater impact" on child poverty.
'The need is way greater than the actual capacity to service that need'.
OPINION: An economist measures the results so far and passes judgment.
OPINION: Statistics on child poverty are evidence of NZ's failure.
Statistics show gradual declines on most measures but campaigners say still too high.
OPINION: Authors of longitudinal study 'Growing Up in NZ' respond to latest figures.
Laura Wood has been leading the charitable trust since October 2019.
Gender equality won’t be achieved for 300 years given the current pace of change: UN head.
“If you enter Britain illegally, you will be detained and swiftly removed,” govt says.
More than 170 houses red or yellowed stickered in a city desperately short of housing.
Christopher Luxon has hit out at the Government for downplaying crime fears.
The shortage of cash means even basics like food and medicine are hard to get.
Rotorua residents say there's a positive impact of having fewer homeless living in motels.
The facility is an effort to move homeless people from freedom camping sites.
OPINION: United Nations' criticism of New Zealand should be a wake-up call.
'Without developments like this, reliance on emergency housing in Rotorua will continue.'
There was 120kg of ham and plenty of potato salad on the menu.
Dave's Army is making sure 6000 kids and 600 whānau have a Merry Christmas.