Latest fromPoverty
Our hungry kids: 40,000 NZ kids fed by charities
School principals say the number of pupils turning up for breakfast is increasing daily, despite the collapse of one of the two main breakfast programmes...
UK hatchet man faces protest by poverty group
The architect of tough benefit reforms in Britain will face a picket by Sue Bradford's Auckland Action Against Poverty.
Paul Holmes: Nothing for free - it's the basic welfare rule
Cutting benefit costs a tough task, but there are avoidable mistakes.
<i>Shelley Bridgeman:</i> PR disaster as Countdown pulls out of 'Robin Hood partnership'
The high profile coverage of Countdown's withdrawal from the Red Cross breakfast programme is a public relations nightmare.
Deborah Coddington: Stop paying abusers to breed
When you have children, your whole life changes and you must try to defend your child from harm no matter what.
John Roughan: The country a baby could see
Every grandparent will know the electric charge that four of us experienced for the first time last Saturday.
MasterChef's backer drops support for school breakfasts
Countdown has stopped funding breakfasts for children at 61 low-income schools.
Children's new advocate has proud record of cutting abuse
Brains behind successful Hawkes Bay scheme given chance to put ideas into practice nationwide.
Tapu Misa: Govt foolish to sniff around school nursing for savings
Think of preventive health care as the condom that most governments don't want to wear.
Past still present for African Americans
When Confederate forces fired the first shots at Fort Sumter on April 12, 150 years ago, triggering the American Civil War, almost four million African Americans were slaves.