'Father of the streets': Homeless man gives up everything he has to kids charity
He apologised saying he didn't have much to offer - then donated everything he had.
He apologised saying he didn't have much to offer - then donated everything he had.
Nine emergency housing units originally dubbed "prison cells" to open in West Auckland.
Just a few blocks away from luxury homes people are suffering in squalor.
State housing gives poor a secure base to build successful lives, writes Dara McNaught.
COMMENT: If the council treated people fairly, how would poor people know their place?
COMMENT: In my late twenties, I learned what it was like to live hand to mouth.
Why poverty is rising faster in suburbs than in cities.
Time to check what odds you can on Judith Collins leading National sometime late 2019.
Darryl Evans from Budgeting and Family Support Services takes aim at Mike Hosking.
Moves to tackle child poverty welcomed, but advocates say beneficiaries let down.
After an anxious wait, KidsCan has learned it will be funded for another 12 months.
Funding for housing and addressing child poverty a good start some say, but more is needed
Spending on police and no changes to benefit sanctions have been criticised by advocates
Efforts to tackle child poverty in this year's Budget have been met with mixed responses.
Two new child poverty reduction units are being established to combat the social issue.
What should and could be in today's Budget - three views.
Good advice for middle-class, well-off Kiwis, but what about those in struggle street?
Children's Commissioner Andrew Becroft says some Kiwi kids are in a worse position.
Children's Commissioner calls child poverty bill a "once-in-a-lifetime chance".
Offer to help homeless rejected because the house was built before 2000.
Most of thousands of under-12s needing rotting teeth pulled from poorer families - experts
Bill McKibben is in NZ to talk about taking on business interests over climate change.
Charitable pop-up restaurant offering footwear as well as food
The city continues to have highest rate in NZ of unexpected baby deaths.
More than 40 per cent of Kiwis are concerned about housing, a new survey has found.
The Children's Commissioner welcomed the meeting, saying consensus was needed.
COMMENT: People having to choose to pay rent over buying food is heartbreaking.
EDITORIAL: After years of reports and investigations, is anything actually changing?
Medical conditions, unintentional injury, intentional injury and SUDI were analysed.
Demand from families today is worse than during the recession - Salvation Army