Latest fromPorts

Pressure mounts over extension plans
The protest was sparked by port company plans to begin building two massive extensions and Auckland Council voting to ease rules for further reclamation.

'An asset we shouldn't lose'
About 2000 people and more than a hundred boats gathered today to protest plans by Ports of Auckland to reclaim more of Waitemata Harbour.

Council's Port conundrum leaked
A secret legal opinion shows Auckland Council could have pushed for tougher rules against port expansion into Waitemata Harbour.

Auckland Harbour turned 'into a river'
Auckland's Waitemata Harbour has been "turned from a harbour into a river", by Ports of Auckland expansion, yachting great Chris Dickson says.

Top Kiwis back harbour protest
Prominent business leaders, sailors, architects, musicians have signed an open letter demanding that Ports of Auckland 'stop stealing our harbour'.

Tindall urges port-work halt
Business leader Sir Stephen Tindall is making a last-gasp plea to Mayor Len Brown and councillors to halt further reclamation of the Waitemata Harbour for port use.

Len Brown puts port on the spot
Auckland's Mayor is seeking an urgent explanation from Ports of Auckland after it announced plans yesterday to begin demolishing the end of Marsden Wharf next week.

Marsden Wharf to be demolished
Auckland Mayor Len Brown is seeking an urgent explanation from Ports of Auckland after it announced plans today to begin demolishing Marsden Wharf next week.

Maritime Union settles dispute with Ports of Auckland
The Maritime Union have settled their long-running industrial dispute with Ports of Auckland this morning.

Boaties rally against council port plans
Auckland boaties are rallying against council plans to weaken controls over further reclamation of the Waitemata Harbour for port use.

Tim Hazledine: Auckland needs to think hard about port land
'Economists make forecasts," said the late, great, economist John Kenneth Galbraith, "not because they know, but because they are asked."

Council to ease stance over reclamation
Ports of Auckland has won a huge victory allowing it to use more of the Waitemata Harbour to park cars after Auckland councillors yesterday caved in on tough rules for reclamation.

Officials quietly pass city wharf plan
The Auckland Council has approved two large wharf extensions into Waitemata Harbour for port use - without notifying the public or councillors.

Laurence Kubiak: Economic influence of port runs deep
The ferry from Half Moon Bay is a kaleidoscope of Auckland on the water.

Port pair enjoy the high life
Eddie Haretuku and Graham Tahiwi are not afraid of heights - which is good, because their port work can take them up to 30m off the ground.

Rena grounding: Failures revealed
NZ’s maritime authority is investigating how shipping around our coasts can be made safer, as a high-level report into the grounding of the Rena reveals a catalogue of issues.

High-level Rena report released
The findings of the Transport Accident Investigation Commission's investigation into the catastrophic grounding of the MV Rena, released today, detailed a list of concerns, including those around crew training and international conventions.

Jihad the new cruise destination
Would-be jihadi fighters are increasingly booking tickets on cruise ships to join extremists in battle zones in Syria and Iraq, hoping to bypass efforts to thwart them in neighbouring Turkey, said Interpol officials.

Megaship cruise boom - video
Take a look at the German launch of a megaship so big that Auckland will expand its wharf for its visit

Port of Tauranga lifts profit as container volumes fall
The Port of Tauranga said its underlying group net profit rose by 1.3 per cent to a record $78.3m thanks to an increase in bulk cargo.

Deckhands paid like bankers threaten iron ore port strikes
Tugboat crews are threatening to disrupt shipments from the world's biggest iron ore port as they negotiate for increased wages.

Longburn inland port venture announced
Ports of Auckland, Napier Port and Icepak have formed a joint venture to develop a $20m freight hub near Palmerston North.

Lyttelton in $1b plan
Lyttelton Port of Christchurch has disclosed a $1 billion development plan as rival Port of Tauranga signs one of the country's biggest logistics groups up to its terminal in Timaru.

Port of Tauranga deal to bring big ships
Port of Tauranga has signed a freight deal with the Fonterra, Silver Fern Farms and container shipping line Maersk that will facilitate the arrival of 6,500 TEU ships to NZ.