Latest fromPopulation
Patriots agree: Time to change the NZ flag
As the Herald begins a serious debate on the merits of changing the national flag, the consensus among the majority of our greatest living patriots is clear: It is time for a change.
Big hopes from little Singapore
Immigration New Zealand is for the first time shifting its migrant marketing focus away from America and Europe to Asia.
China displaces UK in family migration to NZ
In the first of a three-part series, immigration reporter Lincoln Tan investigates migration trends and their impact.
<i>Life in 2030:</i> NZers becoming wired citizens of global society
Today's Facebook generation will help blur national boundaries in future, a researcher says.
Biggest influx of migrants since 2004
New Zealand's population is set to swell by 20,000 for this year - the biggest jump in migrants since 2004.
Two $10m investors cleared to move to NZ
Two business migrants, wanting to invest $10m each in NZ and described as "serious entrepreneurs", have been given the okay to move here.
Record number of deaths in NZ
The year ending in September had the second highest number of deaths in NZ in recorded history after the year to September 2008.