Latest fromPopulation

Census delivery set to begin
The 2011 Census gets into full swing from tomorrow with the delivery of about eight million census forms and internet access codes.

More mums, same number of babies
NZers are only half as busy having babies as they were 40 years ago, but with today's larger population a similar number of babies - nearly 65,000 - were born last year.

Student revenue up despite fewer visitors studying here
Growth from India, Vietnam and Saudi Arabia supporting traditional sources.

Food, oil shortages predicted as population soars
Australia's big cities are eating the nation's future as they spread out across shrinking farmland, increase pollution, threaten water supplies and hit the quality of life.

NZ-UK govts discuss visa concerns
Growing problems for New Zealanders trying to obtain British visas will be up for discussion in talks with British ministers this week. From April, the number is to be limited to 21,700 a year, compared to about 28,000 in 2009.

Migration stays positive, but Aust still attractive to kiwis
New Zealand attracted more new migrants in November as long-term arrivals were steady, though Australia's attraction for kiwis persists.

The secrets of long life
The quest may no longer be for the elixir of immortality but with an ageing population there is increased awareness of what it takes to live long and well, writes Dionne Christian.

Look how we've changed - New Zealand 38 years on
Two studies of human development, one launched in the 1970s and the other from earlier this year, reveal how different society is today.

The changing face of New Zealand
New Zealand will look like a much different place in the future, if the early results of a longitudinal study are anything to go by.

Social problems linked to wealth gap: study
The greater the gap between rich and poor, the more likely people will grow up a drug user, a criminal, less educated, obese, pregnant while a teenager, even less trusting of others.