Latest fromPopulation

Baby boomers outgrowing other age groups
Aging baby boomers are pushing numbers of those aged 65 and over to unprecedented levels, adding to the financial pressure on the rest of the population.

Action urged on South Auckland's high baby death rate
Newborns and unborn babies in later pregnancy have been dying in South Auckland at a higher rate than the national average for most of the past decade.

Coastal town's revolt
Residents of a small coastal town are refusing to pay for a $58 million debt that has crippled their local council and left them with the bill.

Who will be #4,444,444?
New Zealand's population will reach 4,444,444 tomorrow, according to Government population numbers.

Toby Manhire: Population growth? Open the doors and let 'em in
More people means more bums on seats - enriching and expanding the arts, sport and media, writes Toby Manhire. "Who honestly can say they feel crowded anywhere in NZ?"

Meet the dragon babies
A support organisation for migrant parents in Auckland is experiencing a baby boom because of a surge in the number of dragon babies born to Chinese parents.

Lee Hsien Loong: Foundation laid, now for more progress
Lee Hsien Loong sees a bright future as New Zealand and Singapore build on their friendship.

Five million Kiwis by 2031
New Zealand will have more than five million people by 2031 – with almost 2 million living in Auckland, according to Statistics New Zealand projections.

Kiwis punch above their weight
We're becoming a nation of fatties. And while we only make up 0.08 per cent of the total world weight, we make up 0.22 of the world's excess weight due to obesity.

Plan to keep inmates' kids out of jail
More than 20,000 New Zealand children have a parent in jail and those youngsters are up to seven times more likely to end up as prisoners, a child charity says.

Beyond the horizon: The future isn't what it used to be
What sort of country will New Zealand be halfway through this century? Here’s a snapshot of what Godzone could be like.