Latest fromPopulation

Asians dominate NZ immigration
Asians are dominating in visitor and international student numbers and in most family-migration categories to New Zealand.

Dick Quax: High density urban housing never been embraced
Aucklanders have never embraced the kind of concentrated living arrangements envisioned in the Unitary Plan, writes Dick Quax.

Editorial: Rant sad way to highlight racial trend
It is telling that the increase in immigrants projected in the Auckland Council's 30-year plan has attracted very little comment. Until now, that is.

Kerre McIvor: Get it right and win a resthome
I don't know about you, but the Census was a bit of a letdown for me.

Study visas drop despite Govt fixes
The number of new international students approved to study in New Zealand has dropped nearly a quarter since 2009 despite government measures to boost the industry.

Peter Calder: Super City riles Rodneyites again
The folks in rural Rodney never were too keen on being in the Super City.

Auckland boom: blessing or curse?
Towns in New Zealand's regional areas should be made more enticing to slow the mammoth population growth expected in Auckland in the next decade, a sociologist says.

Live Chat Replay: Auckland economy
Join us at noon today for a live chat with Geoff Cooper, economist for Auckland City.

House supply gap begins to close
Auckland's critical housing shortage worsened again last year - but the gap between population growth and house-building may be closing at last.

Waikato 'can take city's overflow'
Waikato town planners are bracing for an overflow of Aucklanders from the Super City as it seeks to find living space for its booming population.

Fake refugees escape expulsion
Just eight people have had their refugee status revoked after a long-running saga involving a global people-smuggling ring.

Auckland the growth giant
Three to four people will arrive in Auckland every hour, based on the next 30 years' population projections.

Surprise for overweight in death study
Overweight people have surprisingly beaten out your normal Joe Average on the mortality scale, a statistical survey of medical studies has shown.

Peter Chapple: Joys of larger population overtaken by reality
Periodically, calls are made for a rapid expansion of the population of New Zealand - 15 million has been identified as a desirable target.

Steps to cut rheumatic fever rate
Northland has the highest rates of rheumatic fever in the country and last week visiting US expert Dr Stanford Shulman met health professionals to help with solutions.

Rural exodus: Small town NZ in decline
Every hour, at least seven cars pass by Ame Khan's shop front window or, occasionally, someone comes in to order his specialty, "the Bro Burger".

Hot, dry summer predicted
Sun-lovers should head to the Bay of Plenty or Hawkes Bay for the best weather this summer, but most of the country can expect warmer, drier weather.