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Dr Avril Bell: Race Relations Day
What I want to think about is how grateful I am to the refugees who come and settled in NZ and how angry I am at the disregard with which we treat them, writes Dr Avril Bell.

Melting pot offers hope
In the final of our four part series, we look at how NZ's high rate of intermarriage is literally closing ethnic gaps - which casts doubt on distinct catagories of 'Maori families'.

The end is nigh, says Nasa
Modern civilisation is heading for collapse within a matter of decades, according to a scientific study funded by Nasa.

Auckland 'more diverse' than London
It's no secret that Auckland is a diverse city full of different cultures and new research has shed light on exactly how it and the rest of the country are changing.

Air pollution kills up to 500,000 a year
The equivalent of the population of the Wellington region dies each year in China because of air pollution, according to the country's former Health Minister.

Follow the money - just head south
The South Island has had bigger median income gains than the North over the past seven years, Census figures show.

NZ now classified as 'super diverse'
New Zealand has more ethnicities than there are countries in the world, the 2013 census has revealed.

Aucklanders' personal income falls
Personal income has fallen dramatically in South Auckland compared to more affluent Auckland areas, according to the latest Census data.

More than 100K on 'hidden' wait list
About 280,000 New Zealanders are waiting for elective surgery, and more than half are not on waiting lists, new research shows.

Editorial: Time to open NZ migration doors wider
Editorial: It has been a long wait for a clear measure of New Zealand's population. Now the census confirms it's 4.24m, it's time to think about how to increase that headcount.

Asians fast overtaking Maori population
Maori will be outnumbered by Asians as the second-biggest ethnic group in New Zealand within the next decade, a leading academic says.

Census 2013: Facts & figures
Statistics New Zealand has released key census information on the country's population, its mix of ages and sexes, and where people choose to live.

NZ's population hits 4.24m (+ map)
New Zealand's population is now 4.24 million and is getting older and more ethnically diverse, this year's census has shown. Click here to see an interactive map from the data.

NZ No 5 on world prosperity list
New Zealand has been rated the fifth most prosperous nation to live in, according to an international report.

Auckland job market boom
City's unemployment at lowest level since 2011 with average pay up to $1135 a week, writes Anne Gibson.

Net migrant inflow at 10-year high
Jump in arrivals will put further pressure on Auckland and Christchurch housing stocks, says economist.

Auckland grows, rural areas decline
Super City's population nudging 1.5m while there were falls in many regional centres and country areas in the North Island.

Post-quake boost for Canterbury
Christchurch's population has predictably slumped since the earthquakes, but many people have moved to outlying areas, Census figures reveals.

Census calls rail loop into question
Reduced growth figures suggest revision of Auckland's infrastructure plans needed, claims Statistics Minister.

Kiwis work longer, but produce less
New Zealanders work longer hours than the average of their peers in other developed countries but produce a fifth less, a new report finds.