Latest fromPonsonby

The ministry of interiors
London-based artist Emily Wolfe has returned to Auckland to exhibit her latest works.

<i>Target</i> heavily fined for false contaminated food allegation
TV3 consumer affairs show Target has been heavily fined by the BSA for falsely accusing an Auckland cafe of selling contaminated food.

Police warn of predator on Ponsonby Rd
Police fear a sexual predator is stalking the streets of Auckland's premier nightlife district after attacks on two women in the early hours.

<i>Ponsonby Road Bistro</i>, Ponsonby
A young person from one of the style-conscious professions spoke warmly of the Ponsonby Road Bistro.

<i>Bistro 222</i>, Ponsonby
Expect the expected and a lot of it at this recent addition to Ponsonby's eateries

<i>Cafe Cezanne</i>, Ponsonby
We came here because it had been some time since Leanne's last visit and we'd heard there were new owners.

<i>La Cantine du Torchon</i>, Ponsonby
We came here because a visit to Ponsonby's boutiques was called for, but first there were hunger pangs to satisfy.

<i>Ella Cafe & Lounge</i>, Ponsonby
Heaven forbid that I would generalise about the English - some of my best friends are Poms...

Leak victims claiming $1.6m for stigma
Owners of Ponsonby's 63-unit Blake Central are the latest to be blighted by the leaky-building disaster.