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Siobhan Keogh: How adulthood changes your relationship with games
Gone are the carefree days of gaming all weekend as a teenager - or are they? Siobhan Keogh takes a closer look at the relationship of gaming in adulthood.

Game review: Singstar vs Just Dance
Singstar was one of the original party games. The first version, released in 2004, achieved mainstream success worldwide and was played at parties everywhere.

Hands-on time with next-gen GTA V
With more horsepower at its disposal, Rockstar Games has taken the dramatic step of implementing a first-person mode in Grand Theft Auto V on new-gen systems. James Cullinane went hands-on.

Grand Theft Auto V: PS3 to PS4 Comparison
Grand Theft Auto V on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC has given us the chance to harness the power of these platforms to improve every aspect of the game. In addition to the all-new First Person Mode revealed yesterday, this means big technical changes like increasing the overall resolution and more than doubling the draw distance, as well as replacing every texture in the game and much more.

Game reviews: Fifa 15, Madden NFL 15
Even the staunchest Arsenal fan would have to admit that watching new Chelsea signing Diego Costa score a goal in the slick surroundings of the PlayStation 4 is a thing of beauty.

Game review: Skylanders Trap Team
Skylanders, or Disney Infinity? It's the debate set to cause parents nightmares leading up to Christmas.

Evil Within delivers devilish scares
Welcome to the world of The Evil Within, the new psychological-horror game from Resident Evil's scare guru Shinji Mikami that doesn't hold back.

Game review: Driveclub
There's a grating irony about a game that's all about getting to the finish line quickly and cleanly having taken so long to actually make it into the shops, all banged-up on arrival.

Siobhan Keogh: Shadow of Mordor
Siobhan Keogh isn't quite ready to jump into the LOTR gaming universe.

Driveclub limps to finish line
Driveclub is Evolution Studios' lifelong labour of love and, when it was demonstrated at last year's Electronic Entertainment Expo, it set an immediate standard for the future of online play.

Chris Schulz: The day I was killed by Kim Dotcom
After 40 mins of waiting, we finally shuffled into a small, dark room. We didn't realise it, but we were fresh meat. This room would soon become a killing field, writes Chris Schulz.

Grand Theft Auto V next-gen trailer
Check out the trailer for Grand Theft Auto's next-gen launch, coming to the Playstation 4 and Xbox One on November 18.

Hooked on Destiny after a day
Destiny turned Chris Schulz's nerves into quivering piles of jelly. He wouldn't have it any other way.

Destiny: What we know so far
Years in the making, and with a record-breaking beta launch behind it, Destiny is the game everyone's talking about. Chris Schulz wraps up what we know so far.

Game review: Infamous: First light
As the gaming world rages over the lack of playable female characters, Sucker Punch has quietly gone about finding its own solution.

Should video games get government funding?
The election campaign is in full swing, and you'd think that wouldn't have much to do with video games.

How they ported The Last of Us onto PS4 (+competition)
One of the best games on the Playstation 3 has been transported onto the PS4. Chris Schulz asks Naughty Dog programmer Jason Greggory how they did it.

Game review: The Last of Us Remastered
One of the Playstation 3's best games has been transported onto the PS4. Is it worth playing again? Chris Schulz evaluates The Last of Us Remastered ...

Five hot upcoming games
Destiny isn't the only big title due out before the end of the year. Chris Schulz wraps up the best of the rest.

Destiny's beta is live - and it's amazing
The creators of Halo are back with a new first-person shooter that was unveiled over the weekend. Siobhan Keogh makes her assessment.

Battlefield Hardline delayed to 2015: 'We need more time'
The release of Battlefield Hardline has been pushed to 2015 so the game may be improved and expanded, DICE has announced.

Bungie reveals extensive Destiny Beta content
The Destiny beta kicks off on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 this weekend. Ahead of the launch, Bungie has gone into some detail as to what players can expect.