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Movie review: <i>Still Walking</i>
The new film by Japanese writer-director Kore-eda is an exquisitely slow and finely calibrated study of a family.

Sleek lines of a ruthless heart
Scarlett Johansson sexes up the Iron Man franchise in her role as the femme fatale Black Widow.

Movie review: <i>Sister Smile</i>
Deft but downbeat, this drama is a classy piece of work thanks to a wonderfully deglamorised title-role performance by the lustrous de France.

All Blacks: Punting on the wildcard wingers
Wynne Gray looks at possible replacements for the injured Sitiveni Sivivatu.

Thoroughbreds go head to head
Given actor/writer Tim Balme's workload, it's amazing he answers interview questions so coherently and affably.

Movie review: <i>Iron Man 2</i>
The sequel to the movie that raised Robert Downey jnr's star stocks to an all-time-high, arrives just two years after the original.

NRL: Scarred Warriors look to ruin Raiders
The Canberra Raiders haven't beaten the Warriors in Auckland since 2001 - a record the home side would like to maintain.

Wine: Nature vs nature
Winegrowers are increasingly fighting predators with predators, writes Jo Burzynska.

<i>Review:</i> Vampire Weekend at the Bruce Mason Centre
Woe betide anyone who went to Vampire Weekend without learning every single one of Ezra Koenig's incomprehensible lyrics.

<i>Review:</i> Spandau Ballet at Vector Arena
The original five-piece, augmented by some ring-ins, made smart energetic work of their short, shallow back catalogue.

Beauty: Crack the colour code
Take the mystery out of makeup matching, writes Janetta Mackay.

Records set to smash
2010 might be known as the year of the off-the-wall Kiwi music tour.

<i>Doctor Who:</i> Timeless madness reincarnated
Jacqueline Smith talks to the new Doctor Who, Matt Smith, about fashion and sexiness.

Movie review: <i>Hot Tub Time Machine</i>
In an attempt to be this year's answer to The Hangover, Hot Tub Time Machine is another "guys gone wild" comedy.

Glee: <i>The Music. The Power of Madonna</i>
Of course it would feature screechy stage voices, young girls punching the air and gyrating in ridiculous pointy bustier and fishnet costumes.

Movie review: <i>The Hedgehog</i>
This prickly philosophy flick is overly cute, writes Peter Calder.

Making scents
Fed up with vacuous celebrity scents, perfumer Geza Schoen is teaming up with beautiful minds to inspire his new fragrances.

<i>Review:</i> John Mayer at Vector Arena
Jacqueline Smith explains why she has a new opinion on John Mayer after last night's concert in Auckland.

Javelin: No Mas
Even something as mediocre as the most recent Hot Chip album would be interesting.

Masterchef winner won't give up day job
He may have won MasterChef New Zealand last night but Brett McGregor is sticking to teaching.

<i>Ken Yakitori Bar</i>, Karangahape Rd
When the sad day comes for the barbecue to be stored, never fear, Ken Yakitori is here.

Movie review: <i>Home By Christmas</i>
Gaylene Preston's family tale is a touching Kiwi wartime classic, writes Peter Calder.

Youth 'scapegoats' for alcohol issue - lobbyist
An opponent of raising the drinking age says if John Key was 18 right now, he would be unlikely to support it.

A vine upbringing
Kati Kasza's father instilled in her a love of plants and the importance of seeking quality.