Residents call for urgent action to stop roaming and aggressive dogs
Calls for more animal control staff and penalties for dog owners after fatal mauling.
Calls for more animal control staff and penalties for dog owners after fatal mauling.
The feisty feline who liked to lunch at Prego is no more.
A dog trainer believes there needs to be more education around socialising canines.
One neighbour accused the other of feeding her cats.
Hastings parishioners were able to take their best friends to church on Sunday.
Turns out the way you treat your pet reveals a lot about your character.
However, dog attacks are decreasing overall in Hawke's Bay.
While pets have many mental health benefits, they can spread infectious diseases too.
Auckland Council is now looking at ways to increase capacity at shelters.
Terry is the assistant quarry manager at Atiamuri Sand and Pumice in the Waikato.
One of the world’s most recognisable dogs has welcomed a litter of adorable pups.
The actress allegedly lied to a court.
Animal welfare groups are backing a report that would make desexing cats mandatory.
Chopper supporter ejected from court after yelling abuse at the judge.
Rodney the cat spent his last days "sun-puddling" in Otamatea.
'We can't just keep taking litters of puppies.'
Suspected dog attack behind another dead kiwi in Northland.
One workplace even has online staff profiles for their pooches.
The SPCA is hoping its new mobile desexing clinic will reduce unwanted litters of puppies.
An unlikely friendship makes for a heart-warming story.
Missing Coromandel dog Bodhi has been reunited with his owner after three weeks.
A couple promised not to let the dog breed...then it gave birth to eight puppies.
'Like a family member to us... I did everything possible to keep her contained.'
Safe believes the problem is worse than the figures show.
Kiwis were asked to send in their entries, now Lynley Dodd has picked the winners.
Officials want to disqualify the man from owning dogs.
Blair Vining's widow appalled by the attempted deception.
Scooter faced certain death. Then his new mum came to the rescue. Now he's world famous.
News briefs from Northland.
The elderly woman with dementia was left to fend for herself after dog attack.