Latest FromPets & Animals

Watch: Yoda, farewelled

Watch: Yoda, farewelled

Tauranga Senior Constable Kayne Cording and his colleagues in the police dog section are in mourning after his crime-fighting partner Yoda died - but his legacy will live on.

Watch: Rare 'werewolf cat' found in Cape Town

Watch: Rare 'werewolf cat' found in Cape Town

One of the world's rarest cats -- a Lykoi or 'werewolf cat' -- has been found in public gardens in the centre of Cape Town. The partially hairless animal, name Eyona, is one of only 35 such animals recorded with the natural mutation around the world since 2011, according to animal rescue group Tears.

Watch: Drone catches shark feeding frenzy

Watch: Drone catches shark feeding frenzy

Incredible drone footage has emerged of over 70 huge tiger sharks tearing apart a dead humpback whale in the crystal clear waters of Shark Bay, on the Western Australia coastline. Source: Facebook / Eco Abrolhos