Bella's back: Cat returns to family after three and a half years
;We are pinching ourselves. It's pretty surreal to have her back,' says owner.
;We are pinching ourselves. It's pretty surreal to have her back,' says owner.
The royal couple have taken the next step in their relationship.
Footage of a kiwi walking along Rakiura track, during the day, has gone viral on Facebook. / Stewart Island Kiwi
'In the arms of our staff, little Claude whimpers and cries.'
Grace Watson has set herself a challenge to eat like a gibbon for 30 days.
Severely ill and needing treatment, William's owner did the unthinkable.
Before and after pictures of the lamb highlight the difference a good shower can make.
The randy dolphin keeps rubbing up against boats and swimmers.
Profit for the group grew 10 per cent, despite a dip in revenue.
A photographer realised there was something hiding in his image of a herd of wildebeest.
A cute little story of an unlikely friendship has warmed thousands of hearts.
'We do not know if Champ can be saved or if we are in time.'
Police worked with mechanics and a vet to save a kitten who lost a leg on the motorway.
Men face criminal charges after wading through river to take selfie with wild bears.
Anne Batley-Burton – cat activist and former real housewife of Auckland, talks about the Auckland Council pest eradication program in which cats rounded up without microchips can be culled. / Michael Craig
Stranded for 3 days, he tried to rescue the parrot. Instead, the parrot abused him.
The doghouses are air-conditioned, have internet connectivity and cost 30c a minute.
A study found dog and cat owners tend to be happier, more successful, and exercise more.
From British Shorthairs to Sphynx cats, they're all celebrated during the day.
The 10-year-old Devon Rex has one eye, no whiskers, minimal teeth and very little fur.
To celebrate International Cat Day, we round up the most purrrfect cat videos of all time.
Lambs are the newest arrival at Cornwall Park, about a month before spring starts.
Anne Batley-Burton says killings senseless because she offered to re-home the animals.
New Zealand fur seals were protected but not endangered.
Left for dead after being horribly abused, Jimmy now has a happy life worth barking about.
It may seem like a silly thing to ponder, but knowing your pet's "real" age is important.
Owners think kitten slipped down the pipe after wandering around on the roof.
"That's all he kept saying to the doctors – 'Take what you need but keep me alive.'"