Dogs tied to cars for hours at Sea World
Dogs were reportedly left tied to cars for hours while their owners visited the park.
Dogs were reportedly left tied to cars for hours while their owners visited the park.
A group of students out on a field trip encountered a humpback whale caught up in rope.
SAFE said it was appalled to see the emaciated state of the cows.
During the 11 hour flight it is thought the dog died due to a lack of oxygen.
Three generations of animal lovers made the cat show in Mosgiel a family affair yesterday.
Backyard burial can be dangerous for other pets and wildlife.
Dogs' cooperative submissive nature evolved from their grey wolf ancestors.
A Japanese YouTube channel has millions of hits by mixing food and cats.
Global pet food sales are set to reach up to $134 billion by 2022.
Turbo will be one busy boy over the next few weeks and months.
Scalpers are selling the pink glass cups for almost $400 online.
COMMENT: Personalities of domestic cats might directly mirror that of their owners.
Police were called to the incident after the steer created a safety risk.
Earlier: Of the 7997 people who submitted on whether the council should call on the Government to ban fireworks, 89 per cent were in favour of it.
A dog spray-painted and abandoned waits to find its forever home.
Torbay resident shocked by the number of ducks dying at her local reserve and wetlands
Scientists found felines are copycats and develop personalities to mirror their owners.
Chelle Tucker will run more than 120km for dogs like her beloved George.
The list details fifteen of the worst cases of animal abuse and neglect seen by the SPCA.
Experts believe the tortoise could be older than 100.
"I would say New Zealand is really backwards with its zoos.'
Karl Lagerfeld died a wealthy man. Speculation mounts around an unusual "heiress".
From a supermarket shelf, an adorable duckling has been hatched.
Miniature horse stabbed over 40 times in vicious attack. / ODT
The incident took place in a Waitati paddock at midnight on Sunday.
The Farallon Islands are home to some of the largest great white sharks on the planet.
A man has been convicted after stabbing his friend's elderly dog with a filleting knife.
After a penguin chick was abandoned by its mother, two foster mums stepped in.
The pandas curiously watched from a grassy mound as the girl was pulled to safety.