The huge killer whales were spotted off Hooks Bay, Waiheke
The huge killer whales were spotted off Hooks Bay, Waiheke. Video / Mark Fuller
The huge killer whales were spotted off Hooks Bay, Waiheke. Video / Mark Fuller
"I'm a cat lover through and through and these cats don't deserve this sort of life."
Fears over Auckland's pest management have activists spending up to $100k on desexing.
The tenant's felines caused thousands of dollars damage to carpets and curtains.
The old stereotype has fuelled many jokes, but now single women will be very glad.
Up to 45 per cent of police puppies don't make the cut to join the ranks.
Nine-year-old Ashlynn cried every night when Chesh went missing while she was in hospital.
"This is beyond horrific ... how sick is this monster?"
A person has been seriously injured after falling off a horse in Canterbury.
Once he was a doting boyfriend. His betrayal has caused outrage.
Kai was minutes from death. That's until his new owner helped him lose more than 45kg.
A 186-berth marina has been approved for Kennedy Point, Waiheke Island.
Experiments by academics have found gulls are surprisingly easy to intimidate.
Woman who was visiting the shelter noticed Rocco was hunched over and looking scared.
Chef has told of the moment his beloved pet was almost torn apart by his neighbour's dogs.
A Palmerston North tenant must pay up after their dog tore out their rental's insulation.
The 79-year-old fed them and kept them happy. They made her happy in return.
Desperate dog owner admits going to extreme lengths to save beloved dog from death row.
He struggled to sleep so he set up a camera. His findings were hilariously terrifying.
The discovery of seven frozen tigers cubs has led to the arrest of a smuggling kingpin.
A trap impregnated with rat scent ended up doing the trick.
Telegraph: Why looking after a neighbour's animals is guaranteed to end in tears.
Rule change allows owners to enjoy public places with their dogs for longer.
Dog owners could soon be allowed to walk their pets on beaches for longer.
Bindi Irwin reflects on love and loss as she prepares to turn 21.
A much-loved moggy has stunned his owners — old and new — after trekking 5km unaided.
Police rushed to respond to reports of a woman screaming in the bush.
The mum launched into a tirade online about her neighbour's 'noisy brats'.