Latest fromPets & Animals
Puffer fish toxin blamed for deaths of two dogs
Tetrodotoxin found in the dead dogs' vomit and in a sea slug sample taken from Narrow Neck Beach.
Sea slugs may be victims as well
An expert on sea slugs doubts they are to blame for killing dogs, saying the slugs themselves are probably victims.
Henry's 'shoot Moko' call just fun - TVNZ
Paul Henry's suggestion that Moko the Mahia dolphin be shot has not surprised local residents who say he's an idiot who speaks without thinking.
Beach poison - sea slugs top suspects
Scientists have proved that slugs found on an Auckland beach are toxic but have not established what they have eaten to make them poisonous.
Results today on gulf mystery
Test results due back today may point scientists towards the cause of the mystery illness or illnesses affecting dogs and wildlife in the Hauraki Gulf.
Gulf ban extends to fishing, diving
Water sports have been cancelled and fishermen warned to stay off the entire Hauraki Gulf this weekend.