Latest fromPets & Animals

A fowl business
It's a question I don't usually ask my husband on a Saturday afternoon, but he was in an awkward position.

Lions' larder restocked with fresh meat
Kenyan authorities have begun a plan to restore the predator-prey balance in one of the country's premier game parks after a recent drought.

Locals rally round to save injured puppy Buck
Wanganui residents come to the rescue of an injured puppy whose owner could not afford the operation it desperately needed.

Sheep numbers fall, dairy cows reach record
Sheep numbers have continued to fall, dairy cow numbers are rising and grain crops increased markedly, latest agricultural production figures show.

SPCA to lay charges after dog massacre
The SPCA has announced it will lay charges in relation to the 'frenzied' slaughter of 33 dogs on a property in Wellsford.

Pitbull owner's injuries 'pretty horrific' - police
A pitbull owner suffered serious head and arm injuries when his own two pitbull crosses attacked him inside his home this morning.

Boys in blue bring home the bacon
Timaru police were on a serious mission when they squared off with a 100kg pig.

<i>Garth George:</i> Animal cruelty the realm of psychopaths
Garth George writes that the new bill against animal abuse should reflect the gravity of the offence.

SPCA exhumes three bodies after dog slaughter
The SPCA says it's possible some dogs killed in last week's massacre were first injured, but not killed, by shotgun blasts.

Govt to back greater penalties for animal cruelty
An MP's bill proposing an increase in maximum sentences for animal cruelty offences has earned Govt support.

Moa 'flew from South America'
Ancestors of NZ's extinct flightless bird, the moa, probably flew here from South America and then lost the ability to fly home.