Latest fromPets & Animals
Cult coffee not to be pooh-poohed
Kopi luwak is a blend made from the droppings of small cat-like creatures found in Indonesia, and costs $50 for 50g here.
Whale-rider link stops orca autopsy
An orca that washed up dead near Whakatane has been buried in a nearby Maori cemetery despite researchers wanting to perform an autopsy.
Orana Park welcomes baby white rhino
Staff at Orana Park in Christchurch are planning a competition to name their newest arrival.
Intruder kills family's pet dog
Christchurch police are hunting a burglar who choked a pet dog, which died in the arms of its distraught teenage companion.
Dog's Harbour Bridge hijinks
A tiny dog dodged dozens of cars and crossed several lanes of traffic before being caught at the top of Auckland's Harbour Bridge in rush-hour traffic.
Pete Bethune faces up to Japanese court
The NZ anti-whaling activist has been called a "fascist" and a "terrorist" by a jeering spectator during his court appearance in Tokyo.
High legal costs could deter ERA complaints - union
Ordering a former SPCA general manager to pay $7000 in legal costs could put employees off going to the ERA, says a union.
Happy ending for orca family after stranding
Whale's calls of distress brought mother and brother dangerously close to shore.
ERA orders ex-SPCA worker to pay $7000 costs
A former SPCA general manager has been ordered to pay $7000 in legal costs, despite being earlier awarded $500 by the ERA.
Fraser Island: Birds of paradise
Jim Eagles grabs his binoculars and enjoys the spectacular and prolific birdlife on Queensland's Fraser Island.