Latest fromPets & Animals

Zebra born in Auckland storm
The recent severe weather may have played a part in the birth of a zebra at Auckland Zoo.

Nature's cruel blow - whales, lambs die
Gales and heavy rain pounding the North Island have shattered weather records, and winds last night hampered rescue efforts after a mass whale stranding at the northern tip of NZ.

Surviving whales relocated by road
More than 40 of the 80 pilot whales stranded at Spirits Bay have died and the rest will have to be relocated by road because of rough weather conditions.

Wheelie-bin cat dumper charged
The woman who provoked outrage by dumping a cat in a rubbish bin has been charged with two criminal offences, the RSPCA in Britain said today.

Family furious over air rifle attack on cat
A furious Tauranga family are demanding justice after an air rifle attack on their beloved cat left it with three legs.

Cat rescued from box on motorway
A cat has had a miraculous escape from the middle of the Northwestern Motorway in West Auckland.

Neighbours at war over cat's death
Ross Allan says his children are distraught after their $1000 Abyssinian moggy was shot dead by a neighbour who thought it was feral.

Canterbury's missing pets
In a disaster, cats head for the hills, but dogs stick around, according to SPCA figures out today.

DNA testing to identify predators
The killing of 14 endangered weka by a dog on Kawau Island has prompted the Department of Conservation to introduce DNA testing.

SPCA boss is in doghouse
When neighbours complained of the noise and smell emanating from the local SPCA, the council was bound to investigate.