Latest fromPets & Animals

Weekend project: Keeping the master happy
It's simple enough to make your own cat flap once you have the know-how. Justin Newcombe explains.

Victoria: Mountain ride with pioneer spirit
Riding through Snowy River country feels like a return to early Outback days, says Kate Johns.

Two arrested over attack on foreign student
Two people have been arrested for what Christchurch police say appears to be a racially motivated attack on a foreign student.

Dingoes attack 3-year-old girl
A three-year-old girl has been attacked by two dingoes on Australia's Fraser Island.

Katie Price in car crash, killed two horses
Katie Price was involved in a car crash that killed two horses last night.

Hunters cull Easter bunnies
Row upon row of dead rabbits brought smiles to the faces of Central Otago farmers yesterday.

Shark attack leaves photographer with ringside view
A photographer who filmed an incredible shark attack on a marlin knows he could have been the victim.

Bull mastiff mauls 7-year-old
A playdate turned into a day of terror as a mother was forced to save her son from being 'murdered' by a dog.

Family guilty of muzzling dogs with insulation tape, mistreatment
A Northland family who muzzled dogs with insulation tape and left them in a dark and dirty shelter...

Patagonia: Excrement-flinging birds and other wildlife
Jill Worrall finds some 19th century parallels with New Zealand history in South America's deep south.

Surfer's hand punctured during shark wrestle
A Nelson surfer suffered a deep puncture wound to his hand while wrestling a 2m shark during the weekend.