Latest fromPets & Animals
Humpbacks show off in the Hauraki Gulf
A humpback whale and her calf frolicked in the Hauraki Gulf yesterday, entertaining a boatload of tourists.
Whale of a tale spectacle
A pair of humpback whales thrilled tourists in the Bay of Islands, breaching several times out of the water in full display.
Rena: A deadly combination of tar and feathers
When the Rena struck and grounded on Astrolabe Reef on October 5, great fears for the wildlife spread as fast as the floating slick of oil. The following day four dead birds were seen as the first of many casualties.
Your pet's home away from home
It's got everything you could ever want in holiday accommodation - exclusive suites, flat-screen TVs with access to cable shows, a pool, playground and top class food.
Keeping fit with your furry best friend
They're man's best friend for more than one reason, writes Susan Edmunds.
Rhiannon ready for mouth-to-snout
Pet first-aid courses have been introduced to New Zealand by Sydney-based Sarah McCoy.