Latest fromPets & Animals

Dog shot during home invasion
A dog has been shot in a violent home invasion in the Auckland suburb of Mt Roskill early this morning.

Penguins find safe haven in cosy cove
Had they remained in the wild, Elmo, Gonzo, Lulu and Gordon would have been long gone.

Decline of kea threatens alpine plants
The decline of the kea, the world's only alpine parrot species, could spell the end of 12 per cent of New Zealand's alpine plants, researchers say.

Kiwi fights to save abused orca
A Kiw orca expert is hoping shocking evidence of a captive orca's injuries will persuade a Dutch court to set it free.

Main street dog ban after vicious attack
Dogs have been banned from Kaikohe's main street following a series of complaints about people walking intimidating dogs down Broadway.

Ferreting out a sly trade
Underground ferret breeders in NZ feed Japanese demand for the blacklisted animals.

Twin baby lemurs born at Hamilton Zoo
Two ring-tailed lemur babies have been born to mother Yetta at Hamilton Zoo.

Clucky hen's lucky ducklings
What happens when you cross an empty-nested hen with a clutch of orphaned eggs? A match made in chook and duck heaven.