Latest fromPets & Animals
Book Review: The Big New Yorker Book Of Dogs
The Big New Yorker Book Of Dogs is big all right: 21cm x 28cm and 395 pages, with a generous smattering of those gloriously sly and sardonic New Yorker cartoons. The content is generally serious in tone.
A doggy lifesaver
Man's best friend has long been a solid companion for many people around the world. But one Kiwi charity is working hard to raise special pups that will act not only as a companion but, in some cases, a lifesaver for dozens of Kiwis with disabilities.
Dogs to be killed by vet not firearm
South Wairarapa District Council has voted to change its policy on shooting unwanted and dangerous dogs, opting for euthanasia by a vet instead.
Auckland Zoo celebrates 90th
Auckland Zoo is turning 90 this year, and so is its biggest fan.
New hope for inbred animals
A University of Canterbury study offers new hope to endangered animals suffering the effects of inbreeding.
Wallabies: Pests, not pets
They may be fluffy and cute but Western Bay residents are being warned wallabies are not pets.
One driving dog still homeless
While adoption offers have been pouring in for last night's two canine stars of Campbell Live, the third driving dog is still homeless.
Parrot taught to drive
In an effort to quieten his family parrot, a US student has taught the bird how to drive.
Brian Rudman: Don't let them banish the birds
A few weeks ago, an injured kaka was rescued from a Queen St gutter and is now in a new home at the Auckland Zoo.
'Swat team' to rescue whales
A "swat team" of whale rescue experts has undertaken an intensive three-day course in freeing whales that have become tangled in ropes and nets.
White kiwi wins hearts
The third white kiwi chick to hatch at Pukaha Mt Bruce may not be making international headlines, but was gathering its own fans at a public feeding this week.
Antarctic hero's 'ill fated' calls
For the past century, since heading the first Australian-led Antarctic expedition, Sir Douglas Mawson has been considered a national hero.
Catriona MacLennan: NZ can drive ending of animal testing
"Why doesn't NZ take a bold step and complement its clean, green image by becoming the first country in the world to ban testing on animals?" asks Catriona MacLennan.
Editorial: Endangering animals for recreational gain repellent
Editorial: The use of animals in such a context should not win the approval of the National Animal Ethics Advisory Committee.
Party pill tests on animals in doubt
Manufacturers of party pills could be prevented from testing their drugs on animals if they cannot prove it is worth the pain they could potentially cause.
Party pills tested on animals
Party pills will be tested on animals before they are allowed to be sold because "human safety is ... paramount", Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne says.
Pro-surfer's epic paddle
Pro-surfer Dave Rastovich was here to help save the threatened Maui's dolphin, but in the end it was them who helped him.
No charges laid for 'handog'
No charges will be laid against a man who horrified dozens of drivers by carrying his dog like a huge handbag while walking on a main road.
Zoo celebrates 90 years
Auckland Zoo is celebrating its 90th birthday with an invitation to others over the age of 90.
Swimmers delighted by dolphins
The antics of dolphins off the beach at Thorne Bay put smiles on faces but when a couple of swimmers ducked below the surface a big surprise awaited.
Shark takes long way home
A shark that swam from New Zealand to Fiji has returned home for Christmas, rounding off an 11,000km odyssey and amazing the scientists who tracked her journey.