Latest fromPets & Animals

Heroic dog bites owner's attacker
A dog came to the rescue of its owner, biting an armed man who was attacking her.

Animal rights groups praise farmer's punishment
The banning of a dairy farmer from owning cows after he was convicted of breaking the animal's tails has been applauded by animal support groups.

Plight of the godwits
Godwits fly here every year from Alaska, but new developments in China threaten their route. How many will be back? A new book reveals the threat to their continued globe-spanning migration.

Woman warned against late night rides
An SPCA investigation into a drunken horse-riding incident outside a Greymouth pub has concluded that the owner should stop her late-night horseback antics.

'Happy Feet Jnr' penguin dies
A young royal penguin washed up on a New Zealand beach more than 2000km from home has died.

Where have the sheep gone?
The days when there were 20 sheep for every Kiwi are long gone.

Cat meeting goes feral
A sometimes heated public meeting has heard Gareth Morgan's ideas on how to clamp down on cats that kill birds.

Horse woman 'hassled'
The woman who rode her trusty steed through downtown Greymouth on Saturday night says she was "hassled" by police and her antics had not harmed anyone.

Immunity grows to repellent
Mosquitos can grow immune to repellent in as quickly as three hours, according to new research.

Royalty washes up in NZ
A young penguin washed up on a New Zealand beach, more than 2000km from home, is fighting for its life at Wellington Zoo.

SPCA to investigate drunk horse ride
The SPCA will launch investigate after a drunk woman rode her horse through the streets of Greymouth and offered bar patrons rides around town before being arrested.

Microscopic jellyfish blamed
Microscopic jellyfish could be the real culprit for the painful rash developed by some Western Bay beach-goers.

Greymouth woman takes horse to the pub
Greymouth police impounded an unusual mode of transport on Saturday night - a horse.

Tiny the turtle's big adventure
Tiny is a bit special - he's the smallest turtle to be found in New Zealand waters.

Tiny the turtle returns to wild
The juvenile green turtle named Tiny is being released back into the wild after spending two years at Kelly Tarltons.

Care call after dog swallows fish hook
A dog owner is pleading for fishermen to take care after her young dog swallowed a fish hook on the beach and needed major surgery costing $2500.

20 lambs savaged in horror attack
Twenty lambs have been found dead on a farm in Carterton, thought to have been savaged by dogs.

Driving dogs find new homes
The SPCA's world famous driving dogs have all been adopted by the animal trainers who taught them their new tricks.

Tigers chewing up bulk of wildlife funding in India
Almost half of India’s wildlife funding goes to the Bengal tiger, recent reports have shown.

Dog dumped with litter of newborn puppies
A pitbull dog dumped on the side of a country road with a litter of seven newborn puppies was suffering and critically ill from having an unborn puppy still inside her.