Brian Rudman: Remove curse of these hell hounds
How many more people have to be killed or maimed by vicious dogs before our parliamentarians and police start to act?
How many more people have to be killed or maimed by vicious dogs before our parliamentarians and police start to act?
Two large dogs that mauled a pilates instructor to death have attacked before, police say.
Stunned schoolchildren watched as a yak attacked a woman on a farm owned by tycoon Alan Gibbs.
A family is delighted to be reunited with their beloved billy goat after being tipped off to his whereabouts by a person who claims to have psychic powers.
If your kids want to go all Dr Doolittle and talk to the animals there are plenty of places to do just that not too far away, writes Elisabeth Easther.
Danielle Wright takes a sneak peek under water in a glass-bottom boat at New Zealand's first marine reserve, at Leigh.
Capturing the extraordinary behavior of Britain's mammals was one of the judging criteria in the Mammal Society's Photographer of the Year competition. Here are some of the winning entries...
Danielle Wright discovers the world of farm animal handling and finds you don't need to own a farm to become involved.
An international conference on conflict between elephants and humans is set to be held in New Zealand for the first time in May.
Each year more and more imported pork makes its way into the food chain - writes Dita De Boni - mostly through our consumption of cheap processed meat such as luncheon sausage and cheerios.
Shark scientist Riley Elliott says people can swim with sharks without being attacked – they just have to know how.
A pilot programme at Hawke's Bay Regional Prison is saving dogs earmarked to be put down and giving them a "second chance" at life.
A Whangarei cat owner, who had her cat's leg amputated after it was shot with a pellet gun, fears someone is on a shooting crusade and targeting animals.
The greyhound meeting at Addington Raceway on Friday was raided by animal control officers from three councils in the first New Zealand blitz on unregistered dogs at a track.
A roadkill cat that has been stuffed and turned into a rug has sold for almost $1000.
The sale of a stuffed cat as a taxidermic skin rug has upset animal advocates who say the TradeMe auction is in bad taste and disturbing.