Former All Blacks beat Thai ladyboys in elephant polo match
A group of former All Blacks have beaten a team of Thai ladyboys in an elephant polo match.
A group of former All Blacks have beaten a team of Thai ladyboys in an elephant polo match.
They're little, they're fluffy and, for the first time, they're all ours.
A Vietnamese air passenger has been charged with smuggling live tropical fish in his trouser pockets after airport staff noticed water dripping down the man's leg.
A change of heart by Parliament on testing recreational drugs on animals has been hailed as a "great day for beagle puppies".
Bino's back was killing him. He was suffering from scoliosis. He couldn't move his legs, two of them anyway, and his tail just wouldn't swish.
The native kakapo, one of the most endangered species in the world, has been named on a list of the ugliest animals in the world. The reason? Conservation.
The return of sea otters in California's Monterey Bay has caused a remarkable recovery of endangered sea grasses.
I've always classified those horse-drawn carriages in Central Park alongside Venice's gondolas.
Two Dunedin youths have been arrested in relation to the theft and mutilation of a pet lamb in the city last month.
This labrador puppy nicknamed Richard Parker after the tiger in Life of Pi was found swimming for her life in San Francisco Bay.
Clever canines able to sniff out minute traces of peanuts could soon be available to help New Zealand children with severe allergies.
Neighbours of a house where a woman was mauled to death by rottweilers are outraged another big dog is at the address.
Senior Constable Bruce Lamb can still feel his beloved police dog Gage leaping over his head to take a bullet from a gunman.
Two major New Zealand retailers have moved to stop stocking a controversial group of insecticides over claims they harm bees.
A dog owner who starved a puppy to death today "narrowly" escaped jail, but has been banned form owning animals for four years.
Why should dogs die so humans can get high? Animal testing takes lives, and humans and animals suffer.
A raccoon-like animal has become the first new carnivore to be discovered in 35 years.
A Nelson trailbike rider has become an internet sensation after posting a video showing him being attacked by an angry ram.