Latest fromPets & Animals

Rich-lister's big game kills
Gun in hand, Kiwi millionaire Mark Gunton stands proudly over the corpse of a fallen African elephant.

From fluffy chicks to fearless
Three endangered karearea (NZ falcon) chicks hatched this week at Wingspan, the National Bird of Prey Centre in Rotorua.

Pukeko's game of angry birds
New Zealand's cute pukeko, known for its colour both in plumage and personality, has been shown to have a power-hungry, aggressive streak - quite literally.

New tiger sanctuary inside world's largest mangrove forest
India's planning a new tiger sanctuary inside the world's largest mangrove forest.

Auckland and Hamilton zoos swap tigers
In a bid to manage the Sumatran tiger breed, Auckland and Hamilton zoos are swapping tigers.

Teen in court over crossbow attack
A teen accused of firing a crossbow bolt through the head of a cat has been granted name suppression in a brief court appearance.

Reefton sighting sparks hope 'extinct' kokako lives on
Call it the kokako cold case. The fate of the South Island kokako, long a mystery, was thought concluded when the bird was officially declared extinct six years ago.

Franklin Zoo elephant finds new home in San Diego
The Auckland elephant that killed its keeper has found a new home at San Diego Zoo.

'Lord's soldier' fights to keep his snakes
As beads of sweat slithered down his temples, Andrew Hamblin stared in wide-eyed wonder at the 1m timber rattlesnake he had thrust towards his congregation.

Kerre McIvor: Shooter of farmed wildlife fails sporting test
When Melissa Bachman posted a photo of herself posing with an assault rifle and a very dead lion, she must have known she was being deliberately provocative.

Where to find a kiwi
Our national bird may be shy and retiring, but here's a handful of places where you might be able to get close to them.

NZ possum population explodes
The DoC could be facing one of its worst possum infestations in decades, partly because workers who helped with pest control were sent to fight bushfires in Australia.

Video: Mighty root canal saves lion's life
A gun woman watched over a three-hour dental procedure in Auckland yesterday in case the patient woke early from his anaesthetic.

Game Animal Council to keep eye on herds and hunting
A new Game Animal Council is to be set up to take a leading role in the management of game animals - deer, tahr, chamois and wild pigs.

Pet dog attacks SPCA volunteer
The SPCA is reviewing its procedures around dogs after a volunteer was mauled by a "family" dog that had shown no hint of aggression until it attacked.

Otter-ly absorbed in Southland
Lloyd Esler describes himself as a "cold hard sceptic", but even he is starting to believe otters may have made themselves at home in Southland.

Eat horse meat says Princess
Princess Anne has suggested people in Britain should consider eating horse meat as it would help to improve the welfare of the animals.

Man's best friend & employee
Dogs may be man's best friend but, on many New Zealand farms, they are also often their best employees.

Kea joins list of threatened birds
Several of New Zealand's most cherished birds - among them the kea and two types of albatross - have been shifted to a more serious conservation status following a national survey.

Where did dogs first appear?
For years, scientists have been dogged by this evolution question: Just where did man's best friend first appear?

Blue ducklings' first splash outside
Six fluffy blue ducklings will take their first outing, to an outside pool, for the first time this afternoon.

Dog suffers due to cheap collar
'Clearly this is not rocket science.' The SPCA is shocked by an Otara woman's cruelty in neglecting to change her dog's collar, causing it a serious neck wound.

Dog locked in kennel chews off own foot
A farmer has been convicted of ill-treating an animal after his dogs were locked in filthy kennels so long one chewed off its own foot.

Shark finning banned in NZ waters
Shark finning will be banned in New Zealand waters under a government proposal announced today.