Outcry over Polanski's 'sinister' arrest
Roman Polanski's fate has became an international cause celebre as Paris, Warsaw and figures from the film world demand his release.
Roman Polanski's fate has became an international cause celebre as Paris, Warsaw and figures from the film world demand his release.
Rachel Glucina: Why Fashion Week ended on an embarrassing note for Trelise Cooper
Saucepot Pamela Anderson is more than $1.2 million in debt, according to reports.
Fashion and celebrity are never far from one another these days. Viva examines why
Back in the groove: Top ten reunited bands who really should have let the past speak for itself.
The child that Jude Law conceived with model Samantha Burke last year has been born.
He may not have succeeded as a rock star but, as Bill Nighy tells Michele Manelis, the path from thespian to villain and wizard was never planned either
Lily Allen has announced she has no plans to record or perform new music in the future.
Rock legend Bruce 'The Boss' Springsteen is celebrating an important milestone today. He's turning 60.
Zambesi, the 'godparents' of local fashion, are celebrating 30 years in the business. Designer Elisabeth Findlay reveals a little of how they've managed to thrive in a fickle industry
The Michael Jackson film This Is It is to have simultaneous premieres in more than 15 cities around the world later next month.
She's a bikini babe, he's a party monster - Pamela Anderson and Richie Rich are here to dazzle us with A*Muse, their fun collaborative fashion line of beachwear and more
The comedy genius of Brett and Jemaine has put Flight of the Conchords in line for six Emmy Awards.
Madonna's brother Christopher Ciccone lashes out at his megastar sister again.