Brent Sheather: Robots, financial advice and the law of unintended consequences
COMMENT: The law of unintended consequences postulates that the actions of people and especially of governments.
COMMENT: The law of unintended consequences postulates that the actions of people and especially of governments.
COMMENT: What's the government's contribution to your KiwiSaver really worth to you?
COMMENT: When you factor in all the costs of short-term borrowing, is it really worth it?
New research show vastly different money habits and attitudes between home owners and those who don't own property.
Which New Zealand shares are the biggest cash earners?
COMMENT: Two weeks ago we considered the low interest rate environment, concluded that it was here to stay, writes Brent Sheather.
COMMENT: The new rate of NZ Super gets us thinking about our future gap to fill, writes Tom Hartmann.
Brent Sheather looks at why interest rates globally have fallen and the implications for savers and borrowers.
Tom Hartmann talks how to work out how much to set aside each month.
Brent Sheather talks about the Financial Markets Conduct Act.
Peter Lyons writes about one of his favourite teaching experience, where he helped a group of students make an investment.
It's mathematically impossible, but we get told we can save by spending all the time.
There is an old saying, popular with economists, that if you torture data sufficiently it will confess to anything, writes Brent Sheather.
The system for getting good money advice doesn't work for everyday folks, writes Tom Hartmann.
Takeovers by cashed-up buyers mean less choice for KiwiSavers, Brian Gaynor.
What do you ask the genie when planning to cash out in 20 years?
Even the world's smartest person will need fuel to keep making good money decisions
Brent Sheather talks over simplification.
According to latest Morningstar figures, some funds have consistently ranked at or near the bottom in their respective categories for the last five years.
More than 2.5 million Kiwis are signed up to KiwiSaver but many people aren't making the most of it, according to Ana-Marie Lockyer.
Heading into retirement and don't know what you will do with your KiwiSaver cash?
Expect a resurrection of technology initial public offerings in 2016 as private fundraising options cool.
Five expert tips on how to make your money go further this year.
Barry Ritholtz talks 10 tips to be a better all-around investor.
You'd think writing about money was simply repeating the same concepts over and over again, but every year I come across new ideas, concepts and products.
Fast-growth companies are exciting investments. But they are not for the faint-hearted or the unprepared, writes Shane Solly.
Kingfish, the NZX-listed investment company managed by Fisher Funds Management, has sold its stake in SkyTV because of concerns about the increased cost of delivering new services and the arrival of....
Tom Hartmann talks microfinance providers offering low-cost borrowing solutions to those in need.