Latest fromPersonal Debt

North Island men showing signs of financial stress
Men aged 18-33 and 49-64 and those in the North Island in particular, are showing signs of potential financial stress, a credit rating agency says.

$40 yearly slug on top of student loan
Student loan holders are about to be hit with a $40 administration fee for every year they don't repay their loan.

ASB's 'rounding up' savers net $75k
Over 9200 NZers have saved $75,000 in the two weeks since ASB launched a programme directed at helping customers save.

ASB launches 'rounding up' savings
One of NZ's biggest banks is encouraging Kiwis to turn their small change into big bucks via a new savings programme that rounds up spending on eftpos and visa debit transactions.

GST rise: The hole in your pocket
For some professionals this week's tax cuts make them wealthier than before. Others take home less money than they did six years ago.

Most Kiwis will have a few dollars more tomorrow
The "GST-income tax switch" will from tomorrow leave the vast majority of income earners with at least a few more dollars in their pockets each week.

Kiwis turn backs on credit cards
New Zealanders are still turning their backs on credit in an effort to pay off their debts, says Veda Advantage.

Krukziener loses loan tax appeal
A tax judgment against Andrew Krukziener will 'send shivers' down the spines of some taxpayers, says one accounting firm.