Latest fromPersonal Debt

Big bank profits surge to $3.3b in 2011
Last year was one of the strongest in recent times for the profitability of New Zealand's banks.

Aaron Hing: In a debt-swamped world investment caution is key
NZ is very exposed with its high level of external borrowing, says Aaron Hing

Beware mobile phone and bank fees on holiday
Surprises are often a pleasant part of travel but an unpleasant and costly one may await on the return home.

Diana Clement: Singles need financial safety nets too
Singles may not outnumber those in couples, but they're a big chunk of the population.

Dark mood in election year as American Dream falters
Despair over political deadlock may yet produce a watershed poll result.

Super value: Giving KiwiSaver a push
Simon Collins reports on ways compulsory retirement saving could be made fairer.

Retail store wars move online
Outrage over the price of All Blacks jerseys was just the latest sign of how internet buying has changed the retail game, reports Karyn Scherer.

Fraud 'mule' in finance role
A con artist who tricked banks in a $1.8 million mortgage scam worked in the finance department of a company whose bosses had no idea of her convictions.

Consumer Watchdog: 'Bullied' by the repo men
Repo men broke into the state house of a 92-year-old man last winter and seized his bed, television and microwave.

Our hungry kids: Food at bottom of list for some
Poorer families are cutting out meat and vegetables to keep up repayments to finance companies, budgeters say.