For actors, the pay's the thing
Artists and entertainers may think their work is a labour of love, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be paid a fair wage for it
Artists and entertainers may think their work is a labour of love, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't be paid a fair wage for it
Fawlty Towers - Live is coming to New Zealand.
Brave Auckland teenagers hit centre stage for their final performance in Manawa Ora: Courage is Contagious.
In an office crammed with books and stage memorabilia, theatre-maker and teacher Pedro Ilgenfritz finds space for a battered brown
Deutsche Grammophon has taken Argentinian pianist Martha Argerich's 75th birthday very seriously. New releases include a Bueno Aires
The race is on for the one of New Zealand's premier music competitions, the Lexus Song Quest. After five days working with Head Judge
Four days after winning the country's most prestigious song contest, Benson Wilson was at his Onehunga home helping to put away groceries
In August 1901, a Hugh McLeod, writing in The New Zealand Illustrated Magazine on the occasion of yet another performance of Il Trovatore
Auckland Philharmonia Orchestra seems happy that Music Director Giordano Bellincampi is back in town, and one sensed it in the first
Get down with some sweet music in the chiefly language and some wicked slam poetry to close down your Maori Language Week celebrations tomorrow.
This warm-hearted hour is a signature Massive Company ensemble piece: real-life snippets cleverly performed with spark and verve by
Theatre doesn't get much more real than this. Two brothers and their father stand onstage to give an unfiltered account of their lives
Atamira Dance Company's 2016 development season, Manaia, presents three short works which engage with some aspect of that mythological
Dancers step into a magical world, writes Dionne Christian.
Suyeon Kang, the first Australian to take top honours in the Michael Hill International Violin Competition, has undertaken her winner's recital tour and concerto performance.
You can ask Scribe about his new play, but veer off topic and you could be in trouble.
Ballet dancer Lilly Maskery wins place in prestigious ballet competition in New York.
This week marks 400 years since the death of our national poet. And yet his characters, the worlds he created, the thoughts he expressed are for all people and all time.
Taking dance to provinces and to the young is company focus.
Leading arts organisations are warning of job losses, higher ticket prices and fewer performances as they face budget cuts.
The stage musical of the 1983 dance film takes itself too seriously.
Stage show brings 80's movie Flashdance to life, writes Dionne Christian.
Auckland's 'Off Broadway' institution puts on a bumper weekend, writes William Dart.
This third annual season of New Original Dance, showcases the choreographies of four nascent dance makers on a cast of five dancers.
Big things are set to roar in to the spotlight on stage at the Bruce Mason Centre, writes Dionne Christian.
On April 23, Auckland will be the first city in the world to mark 400 years since the death of playwright William Shakespeare.
Christophe Rousset, one of the world's top harpsichordists, visits New Zealand next week.