Latest fromPC Games

Games and the real world
A study into muscle movements in teen gamers may shed light on links between violent video games and real life aggression.

PlayStation partners with Kiwi school
Kiwi students will soon have the chance to develop their own games using the Sony PlayStation platform.

Endgame for online addicts
James Driver played a video game 16 hours a day for two years. Now he's trying to help other addicts kick the habit.

Game review: Rocksmith 2014
Can a video game teach you how to play guitar? Chris Schulz investigates.

Stephen Knightly: NZ punches above its weight in gaming sector
At $31.4 million last year, exports outdid our overseas music and television sales, writes Stephen Knightly.

Girl gamers on the rise
Nearly half of gamers are female and more parents are playing video games than ever.

Digital Nationz convention
This weekend marks the very first Digital Nationz event, a gaming and technology expo being held at Auckland's Vector Arena.

Kiwi band on Fifa 14
Kiwi chart stars The Naked and Famous insist they are not fussed that they won't become instant millionaires - despite landing a song on what is tipped to be the biggest-selling sports computer game of all time.

Evolution of Grand Theft Auto
Gamers are holding their breath for the launch of Grand Theft Auto V in September. Ahead of the hotly anticipated title, we take a look back at the evolution of the popular but controversial series.

Game review: Neverwinter
If you like your fantasy online multiplayers with a healthy serving of lore, Neverwinter really delivers, writes's Matthew Codd.

E3 2013: Gaming's future unfolds
We're live blogging the E3 festivities from Los Angeles.

E3's history
The Electronic Entertainment Expo is the world's premier video game trade show - full of surprise launches, busted myths, and celebrities to be spotted. Here, we take a look back at past E3 events.

Game review: Metro: Last Light
The sequel to Metro 2033 has arrived. Reagan Morris is here to shed some light on it.

Game review: Ghost Warrior 2
This game may not go to number one with a bullet, suggests Angus Deacon.

Game review: SimCity
Jess Nickelsen tackles the controversial series reboot of an old desktop favourite.