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Game review: Nier Automata
You might think you've finished Nier Automata, but you haven't. Not really.

Civilization VI will make you say 'just one more turn'
Everyone who has played Civilization has at some point thought to themselves: "Just one more turn".

Video game set for the big screen
Firewatch studio Campo Santo has announced a deal to bring its debut game to the big screen, according to the Hollywood Reporter.

Why video games could be a problem for US
BIG READ: This is what happens when young men can't level up in real life.

Battlefield 1 goes for 'realism rather than headshots'
I'm a huge fan of First Person Shooters setting during WWI or WWII, so getting an early-access code to Battlefield 1 was quite exciting.

Pokémon Go and the lifespan of fads
Has the internet accelerated the spread of fads but also shortened their lifespans?

The Kiwi gamers taking on the world
The best of NZ Herald Business for 2016: Exporting magic armour and pirate monkeys - inside the virtual world of game producers.

Meet the man who brought you Pokemon
You probably don't know him, but Al Kahn is likely to have had an enormous influence on your life.

Kiwi gaming industry keeps surging
The Kiwi game development industry is now worth $89 million a year - up 13 per cent from the year before.

Watch NZH Focus: Niva and Sam Play DOOM
Niva and Sam jump into gaming by playing the widely known and popular game, DOOM!

Privacy watchdog moves on Pokemon
Pokemon Go has raised security concerns after the app accessed users' personal information.

How Pokemon Go could ruin gaming for everyone
Why we can't have nice things: while the gaming industry rushes to compete with Pokemon Go, will quality take a back seat?

How much data is Pokemon Go using?
Pokémon GO might be the biggest internet craze we've seen in a long time - but when it comes to data usage it's just another drop in the online ocean.

Security fears dog Pokémon Go
As millions of people rush to join Pokémon Go, questions are being raised over how secure the app is.

Video games may become China's best export
The reset button is being pressed on global culture. And it's China's turn to play.

The Sims introduce gender-queer character options
The Sims and GLAAD teamed up to make a more inclusive game where you no longer have to pick between just male and female.

The new Doom is nothing like the old Doom
A closed beta ran over the weekend for the multiplayer mode of the upcoming Doom. Francis Cook jumped online to chase demon runes and blow stuff up.

Forget homework, play video games
US college is offering an e-sports scholarship to attract best and brightest gamers

Why you should get excited about cross-platform gaming
COMMENT: Gaming will soon be truly cross-platform. It's about time.

Up to 160 jobs go as gaming firm closes NZ studio
New Zealand's largest video gaming studio, Gameloft, has closed down.

Review: Heartbreaking game sparks emotion
That Dragon, Cancer is an autobiographical game about the life and death of a boy with cancer. Joel, who was diagnosed at age one, died four years later in 2014. He was survived by his parents, Ryan and Amy Green, who made the game.