Paul Little: Life can be rough for the handsome
COMMENT: You don't see Art complaining about the burden of going through life being ridiculously handsome, do you?
COMMENT: You don't see Art complaining about the burden of going through life being ridiculously handsome, do you?
COMMENT: It's hard to have faith in your audience when it shows an increasing appetite to be entertained to the point of brain death.
COMMENT: Are our universities out of control? Have they lost sight of their core missions? Do they know what they are doing?
COMMENT: It's time to let Easter go. Its spiritual significance is non-existent and its recreational function an annoyance.
COMMENT: The affair of the screwed-up payroll has again given politicians an opportunity to show themselves at their worst. Like they need help with that.
When it comes to cracking down on people not paying what they should, beneficiaries are much easier to go after, writes Paul Little.
Some say Auckland gets the mayor it deserves. I'd like to think that's yet to happen, writes Paul Little.
So Richie McCaw is the 2016 Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year. Good for him
Can they afford to breed a generation of selfish, entitled and arrogant young people, as promised in the advertisement, writes Paul Little.
The release of a report into fighting at Mt Eden Prison is held up in court, thanks to a legal challenge by former prison manager, Serco.
From early to mid-January, the Oldfriends site will be closed down and you won't be able to access it any more. Any data will also be deleted.
For four days, an elderly British couple have been shuffling around the country, beaming inanely and muttering platitudes.
My interest was firmly un-piqued by the sheer oddity of the phrase: Was it primarily a bucket or a list? Was it a list of buckets?
Graham Brazier was that rarest of beings, a man totally true to himself, writes Paul Little.
Can't afford medicine? Don't get sick, losers. That's the message our tough love government is sending us, writes Paul Little.
It needs to be made clear that you're not paying for MPs to go to England to participate in the PRWC. You're paying their wages while they're away for nearly two weeks, writes Paul Little.
It has been a long time since anything happened to make us think fears for the future of free-to-air TV were misplaced, writes Paul Little.
If you want to make the world a better place, Greenpeace should be the last outfit you'd hook up with, writes Paul Little.
Among the boons the internet has brought us have been the opportunities it provides to connoisseurs of gullibility, writes Paul Little.
Housing Minister Nick Smith is beyond embarrassment, writes Paul Little.
It surrounds us the moment we are born. Yet still we struggle to get our heads around the weather, writes Paul Little.
Art has a way of winning people over once it's there. It has its own magic but it literally has to be seen to be believed, writes Paul Little.
Paul Little writes: The cultural cringe is back: If a show is not from overseas, or has an overseas seal of approval, we're not going to rate it.
Paul Little writes: How many people, I wonder, watch the opening and closing leaders' addresses of the election campaign, shown by TVNZ, as it is required to do by law. None?
There is no surer way of sucking all the enjoyment out of something than being in a position where you have to do it, writes Paul Little.
The Saudi Arabian visit was a return to the old Key model of jet setting, glad-handing and grandstanding, which we can now see has never worked, writes Paul Little.